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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the view Jake and Bill have from the train as they pass through Landes?
(a) They see the sun set, wooded hills, sandy pine country, heather, clearings with houses and an occasional sawmill.
(b) They see hills covered with olive trees.
(c) They see bustling cities with sidewalks full of people.
(d) They see farmland of steer and bulls.
2. What words does Mike repeat to describe Brett to Jake and Bill?
(a) A bountiful beauty
(b) A lovely piece
(c) A raving beauty
(d) A lovely rose
3. Jake and Cohn get into an argument during lunch. What is the argument about?
(a) Jake is sick and tired of hearing about South America, telling Cohn to drop the subject.
(b) Cohn is angry that Jake insults Brett by saying she married someone she didn't love, twice. Jake also tells him to go to hell.
(c) Jake is furious when Cohn makes a joke about his war injury.
(d) Cohn is insulted when Jake tells him to leave Frances because she is no good for him.
4. What advice does Jake give to Robert Cohn when they go to the café below Jakes office?
(a) Live your life now because you will be dead in thirty years.
(b) Don't waste your life staying in one place.
(c) Traveling is a great way to get away from your problems.
(d) You can't get away from yourself by traveling from place to place.
5. Robert Cohn moves to California and uses the remainder of his fifty thousand dollars to back and become sole editor of what magazine?
(a) Review of the Arts
(b) The Fine Arts and Music Magazine
(c) The Princeton Review
(d) The California Coastline
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Brett's formal title?
2. What are the two pieces of mail that Jakes picks up from the concierge when he returns to his flat?
3. Where do Jake and Bill decide to go after eating at Madame Lecomte's?
4. Jake tells Brett that he loves her so much and makes a suggestion to her. What is the suggestion?
5. How does Jake react when Brett tells him she was in San Sebastian with Cohn?
Short Essay Questions
1. Jake and Bill share a train compartment with An American man, his wife, and their young son, Hubert. What are a few of the subjects they discuss?
2. Why does Cohn send his fiancée, Frances back to England to visit friends?
3. Describe the conversation Jake has with Cohn about Brett when they go out for lunch.
4. Why don't Jake and Bill get to eat lunch until three-thirty in the afternoon when they are traveling on the train to Bayonne? What is Bill's reaction?
5. How does Jake describe Cohn's first encounter with Lady Brett Ashley?
6. Why does Brett flirt with so many men and keep an accounting of how many men become infatuated with her?
7. Why does Cohn resort to kicking Jake under the table when Jake suggests they meet a girl he knows in Strasbourg?
8. Describe Jake's frame of mind the morning after he is so distraught over Brett's leaving with Count Mippipopolous.
9. Why did Robert Cohn take up boxing while attending Princeton?
10. How does Mike Campbell show his love for Brett?
This section contains 1,013 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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