The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Frances say that Robert did to his secretary at Frances' request?
(a) He gave her an increase in pay.
(b) He mentioned her in his first novel.
(c) He got rid of her to please Frances.
(d) He promoted her to an editorial position.

2. Who do Jake and Bill share their train compartment with?
(a) An American man, his wife, and their young son
(b) Two single women traveling alone
(c) Two soldiers from America
(d) Count Mippipopolous

3. What words does Mike repeat to describe Brett to Jake and Bill?
(a) A raving beauty
(b) A lovely rose
(c) A lovely piece
(d) A bountiful beauty

4. Jake, Bill and their traveling companions in the train compartment talk about fishing trips. What comment does the American wife make about men?
(a) She says that only a few men get drunk on a regular basis.
(b) She says that most men voted for prohibition.
(c) She implies that men get out of control if there is liquor around.
(d) She says that most men are self-disciplined and decent.

5. Who asks Jake to lunch after he gets back to the office?
(a) Woolsey
(b) Brett Ashley
(c) Krum
(d) Robert Cohn

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robert Cohn think about Paris after returning from America?

2. Who are the two friends Robert Cohn has during his three years in Europe?

3. A forceful woman, Frances, hopes to gain success working with Robert Cohn on the magazine. She urges him to go to Europe with her when the magazine shuts down. What else did she want from him?

4. Jake is awakened at 4:30 in the morning by a loud voice downstairs arguing with the concierge. Who comes looking for him at his flat?

5. What is Brett's formal title?

Short Essay Questions

1. Brett comes to Jake's room late at night with Count Mippipopolous. They ask him to go to Zelli's. Jake refuses the invitation. As they drive away, what does Jake think about the night?

2. Describe Jake's frame of mind the morning after he is so distraught over Brett's leaving with Count Mippipopolous.

3. How does Jake justify saying nasty things about Brett to Robert Cohn?

4. What prompts Jake to ask the street girl, Georgette to dinner?

5. Explain why Robert Cohn marries the first girl who is nice to him after he graduates from Princeton.

6. What words of wisdom does Jake give to Robert Cohn about traveling and trying to escape from himself?

7. Why does Cohn resort to kicking Jake under the table when Jake suggests they meet a girl he knows in Strasbourg?

8. When Bill Gorton arrives in Paris to see Jake; he says that his trip to Vienna did not go so well. What was the problem with the trip?

9. Jake and Bill share a train compartment with An American man, his wife, and their young son, Hubert. What are a few of the subjects they discuss?

10. During a dance at the dance club, Brett and Jake have a conversation about Mike. What do they talk about?

(see the answer keys)

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