The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jake do when he gets to his office after breakfast?
(a) He tries to concentrate on his typing, but can't hold a clear thought.
(b) He sits at his desk, wallowing in self-pity.
(c) He has a cup of coffee and then decides to go home.
(d) He reads the French morning papers, smokes and sets to work on the typewriter.

2. What does Robert Cohn think about Paris after returning from America?
(a) Paris is one of his favorite cities.
(b) He loves Paris and never wants to leave.
(c) He is sick of Paris.
(d) He considers Paris his home.

3. What is Jake's reply when Cohn asks him if he is worried about his life passing him by?
(a) Jake says that he is worried and depressed.
(b) Jake says that sometimes it bothers him.
(c) Jake says that he is through with worrying.
(d) Jake says that he is always worried about it.

4. What is Jake referring to when he says to Brett, "you like to add them up."?
(a) Brett adds up the number of brandies she drinks when she goes out.
(b) Brett likes to hang all her dresses in color coordinated order.
(c) Brett adds up the number of shoes she owns, buying a new pair every week.
(d) Brett enjoys it when more and more men become infatuated with her.

5. What does Brett say she did while in San Sebastian?
(a) She prayed at the Basílica de Santa María del Coro.
(b) She visited all the cafes in the area.
(c) She never went out and didn't do anything.
(d) She went sun bathing at the beach.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Robert Cohn spend his time while in Europe with Frances?

2. There are seven cars on the train full of Catholic Americans from Dayton, Ohio. Where are they headed?

3. Who has a cab waiting for Jake and Bill as they get off the train?

4. Why is Frances saying terrible, sarcastic comments to Cohn in front of Jake at the café?

5. How does Brett say she is feeling after she and Jake get into the taxi?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the condition of Jake's friend, Harvey Stone.

2. Discuss Brett's reaction when Jake kisses her in the taxi?

3. What words of wisdom does Jake give to Robert Cohn about traveling and trying to escape from himself?

4. Cohn divorces after five years of marriage and another woman takes control of his life. Who is this woman and what does she expect to get from Cohn?

5. Summarize the lengthy description Jake gives of Robert Cohen in this chapter.

6. Summarize how Jake amuses himself while Brett is in San Sebastian and Cohn is out of town?

7. How does Jake justify saying nasty things about Brett to Robert Cohn?

8. Mike asks Jake if he and Brett can go to Spain with him. Jake agrees and Brett asks if it will be too hard on Cohn. Why doesn't Jake understand this question and what is his reaction when he finds out?

9. Explain why Robert Cohn marries the first girl who is nice to him after he graduates from Princeton.

10. While dancing with Brett, Jake feels he is in a nightmare that he has had before and has to go through again. Why does he think this?

(see the answer keys)

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