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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Robert Cohn do when he finds Brett and Pedro Romero in bed together?
(a) He runs out the door crying.
(b) He screams that he never wants to see Brett again.
(c) He slaps Brett and drags her out the door.
(d) He gives Romero a brutal beating.
2. What is Cohn's reaction when Mike starts toward him from around the table to start a fight over Brett?
(a) Cohn waits proudly and firmly for Mike to assault him. He wants to show he will fight for Brett.
(b) Cohn mumbles something and leaves the hotel.
(c) Cohn hides behind Jake, asking him to stop Mike.
(d) Cohn backs up a few steps, then turns and runs.
3. As Jake, Bill, and Cohen drive across the plain to Pamplona, what is their first view of the town?
(a) Pamplona's walls lead up to the town which has only a bull ring in its center.
(b) Pamplona is obscured by forests on a flat piece of land.
(c) Pamplona is on top of a high mountain with small huts around the perimeter.
(d) The walls of Pamplona rise out of the plain, then a brown cathedral and other churches. The mountains are all around.
4. Why are Jake and Bill annoyed by the telegram from Cohn that says he will be arriving Thursday?
(a) The lateness of the message annoys them.
(b) The overly long message annoys them.
(c) The tone of the message annoys them.
(d) The short, abrupt message annoys them.
5. How do Jake and Bill stay warm after they finish their evening meal?
(a) They sit in front of the fireplace.
(b) They put on extra layers of clothing.
(c) They go to bed and read.
(d) They go for a run through the town.
6. What is the mood of Jake, Brett, and Cohn on the day before the fiesta?
(a) They are ill from too much wine the night before.
(b) They are uncomfortable and edgy.
(c) They feel good, healthy and friendly.
(d) They feel guilty for the argument the night before.
7. How does Pedro Romero's bull fighting invoke emotion in the crowd?
(a) He keeps the purity of line in his movements, letting the bull's horns pass closely by him.
(b) He uses many tricks to make it look like he is in danger.
(c) He loudly cheers each time the bull passes him.
(d) He corkscrews his body and leans away from the bull as it runs by.
8. What does the crowd do to Romero after the bullfights are over?
(a) They lift him on their shoulders and carry him out the gate.
(b) They leave him alone to be with Brett.
(c) They quietly let him pass through the gate.
(d) They insult the way he fought the bulls.
9. What did a Basque offer to Jake and Bill as they waited in the heat for the bus to leave for Burguete?
(a) A drink from a big leather wine bag
(b) Goat's milk
(c) Fruit from a wicker basket
(d) Raw meat wrapped in grape leaves
10. What will the spectators do on the morning of the first day of the bull fights?
(a) They will run down the street with the bulls behind them.
(b) They will run down the street behind the bulls.
(c) They will stay back behind the posts and let the bulls run past.
(d) They will stay inside, not looking at the bulls until the fight.
11. Bill mentions that Romero's face looks badly bruised. What is Brett's reply?
(a) That Romero is badly hurt and should be in bed
(b) That Cohn is to blame.
(c) That it isn't as bad as it looks.
(d) That Romero is hurt, but he will be fine
12. What part of the countryside did Jake's bus travel after stopping at the posada to drop off packages?
(a) Through rough, rocky plains
(b) Through the crowded city streets
(c) Through a soot covered mill town
(d) Through farming country with rocky hills
13. Jake says that the first meal in Spain is "always a shock". What does the meal consist of?
(a) Spicy beans with hot sauce, spicy vegetables, dried beef
(b) Hors d'oeuvres, an egg course, two meat courses, vegetables, salad, dessert and fruit with wine to wash it down
(c) Rolled olive leaves, smoked fish, and spicy vegetables
(d) Poached eggs with cheese sauce, spicy beans, hot vegetable stew
14. What does Mike say to Brett after Cohn beats Pedro Romero?
(a) He asks her to go back to Paris with him.
(b) He says that Cohn is out of his mind.
(c) He tells her she should expect trouble if she associates with Jews and bull fighters.
(d) He tells her that he is sorry Romero got hurt.
15. What is the name of the bull fighter that Montoya introduces to Jake and Bill?
(a) Jose Fermin
(b) SeƱor Gayarra
(c) Pedro Romero
(d) Pedro Iruna
Short Answer Questions
1. What advice does Bill give Jake about dreaming after they wake up from their afternoon nap?
2. What is the description Jake gives of the town of Bayonne?
3. What is the term used for the hour after dinner when the pretty girls, officers from the garrison, and the fashionable people walk in the square of Pamplona and the cafes fill up?
4. What is Jake's philosophy that everything that is good has to be paid for?
5. What do Bill and Cohn make a bet over while eating at the Hotel Montoya?
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