The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bill tell Jake he should be the minute he gets up in the morning?
(a) Comical and nonchalant
(b) Adamant and angry
(c) Ironical and full of pity
(d) Serious and ready to work

2. What do Jake, Bill and Cohn decide to do after Jake receives the telegram from Brett says she and Mike stopped in San Sebastian for the night?
(a) They decide to go to San Sebastian to meet Brett and Mike.
(b) They decide to take the noon bus for Burguete.
(c) They decide to wait until the next day before they go to Burguete.
(d) They decide that Jake and Cohn will go on to Burgete, and Bill will wait for Brett.

3. What item does Pedro Romero give to his sword-handler to bring to Brett who is sitting in the stands?
(a) His gold-brocaded cape
(b) His tri-cornered hat
(c) His black, silk sash
(d) His leather gloves

4. What does the crowd do to Romero after the bullfights are over?
(a) They lift him on their shoulders and carry him out the gate.
(b) They insult the way he fought the bulls.
(c) They leave him alone to be with Brett.
(d) They quietly let him pass through the gate.

5. What is Cohn's response when Bill suggests that he not look at the horses when the bull gores them?
(a) Cohn tells Bill to mind his own business.
(b) Cohn says that he is only worried that he will be bored.
(c) Cohn is afraid he will not be able to look at the dying horses.
(d) Cohn is worried he might faint at the sight of the horse's blood.

6. What is the procedure to cross the border from France into Spain?
(a) The Spanish carabineers do not bother with the bags, but check the passport.
(b) The Spanish carabineers do a full body search on each traveler and check the passport.
(c) The Spanish carabineers open one bag and look at the passport.
(d) The Spanish carabineers empty every bag and check the passport.

7. What is an aficionado?
(a) A woman who throws flowers at the bull-fights
(b) A person who brings the bulls to the arena
(c) Someone who over indulges in wine
(d) A person who is passionate about the bull-fights

8. What is morality, according to Jake?
(a) Being kind to one another
(b) Things that make you disgusted.
(c) Helping your neighbor
(d) What they teach in church.

9. What is the name of the hotel that Jake, Bill and Cohen stay at in Pamplona?
(a) Hotel Basque
(b) Hotel Bayonne
(c) Hotel Montoya
(d) Hotel Torino

10. Why does Cohn start a fight with Jake at the Cafe Suizo and knock him out?
(a) Jake tells Cohn that he loves Brett.
(b) Jake tells Cohn to find other friends.
(c) Cohn is angry that Jake takes Mike's side against him.
(d) Jake refuses to tell him where Brett is.

11. How does Pedro Romero's bull fighting invoke emotion in the crowd?
(a) He loudly cheers each time the bull passes him.
(b) He corkscrews his body and leans away from the bull as it runs by.
(c) He keeps the purity of line in his movements, letting the bull's horns pass closely by him.
(d) He uses many tricks to make it look like he is in danger.

12. Why do all the passengers sit on top of the bus before it leaves for Baguete?
(a) To get a better view of the town
(b) It is such a hot day; they sit on top of the bus and fan themselves.
(c) The inside of the bus is full of packages.
(d) It is too smelly inside the bus.

13. What does Bill reveal to Jake after they finish bantering about Henry's bicycle?
(a) He says that Jake is too sensitive.
(b) He says that Jake needs to stop being such a whiner.
(c) He says that Jake is a good guy and Bill is fonder of him than anyone else.
(d) He says that Jake is more annoying than anyone else he knows.

14. What types of emotion do Jake and his friends feel after the bull fight is over?
(a) Disturbed and elated
(b) Subdued and disturbed
(c) Disgusted and drained
(d) Excited and aggressive

15. How are the houses in Burguete arranged?
(a) In a circle around the town
(b) Along both sides of the road with no side streets
(c) Along both sides of the road and down side streets
(d) In city blocks

Short Answer Questions

1. When Jake returns to his room after his fight with Cohn, Bill tells him that Cohn wants to see him. What does Cohn want from Jake?

2. Why were workmen putting up gate-posts that shut off the side streets in Pamplona?

3. How do the spectators react when they feel they are cheated by Belmonte's bull fight?

4. While on the bus, Bill and Jake have a conversation with an old man who says that he lived in America forty years ago. Why did he return to Spain?

5. What do Bill and Cohn make a bet over while eating at the Hotel Montoya?

(see the answer keys)

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