The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Cohn's response when Bill suggests that he not look at the horses when the bull gores them?
(a) Cohn is afraid he will not be able to look at the dying horses.
(b) Cohn says that he is only worried that he will be bored.
(c) Cohn is worried he might faint at the sight of the horse's blood.
(d) Cohn tells Bill to mind his own business.

2. What is the description Jake gives of the town of Bayonne?
(a) A dirty Spanish town, cluttered with litter
(b) A nice Spanish town, very clean, on a large river
(c) A smelly Spanish town with a rancid river running through it
(d) A gloomy Spanish town with dark, unkempt streets

3. What does the bull fight critic say about Pedro Romero's performance in the ring when Jake is having a drink with them?
(a) He says that Romero is the best fighter he has ever seen.
(b) He says that Romero is just an amateur.
(c) He says that Romero should find another line of work.
(d) He says that Romero's work is good but incomplete.

4. What does Bill tell Jake he should be the minute he gets up in the morning?
(a) Comical and nonchalant
(b) Ironical and full of pity
(c) Adamant and angry
(d) Serious and ready to work

5. How long does the fiesta last?
(a) Only daytime celebrations for seven days
(b) Day and night for three days
(c) One day and night
(d) Day and night for seven days

6. How does Mike compare Cohn to a steer?
(a) He says that Robert can be sacrificed like a steer.
(b) He says that Robert is always trying to keep the peace like a steer.
(c) He says that Robert is aggressive just like a steer, chasing after Brett.
(d) He says that like a steer, Robert lives a quiet life, never has to say anything, and hangs around Brett where he is not wanted.

7. Why does Cohn start a fight with Jake at the Cafe Suizo and knock him out?
(a) Jake tells Cohn to find other friends.
(b) Cohn is angry that Jake takes Mike's side against him.
(c) Jake tells Cohn that he loves Brett.
(d) Jake refuses to tell him where Brett is.

8. What keepsake does Romero hand to Brett after he kills the last bull?
(a) The bloody cape
(b) The bull's severed ear
(c) His sword
(d) The bull's severed tongue

9. What is an aficionado?
(a) Someone who over indulges in wine
(b) A person who is passionate about the bull-fights
(c) A woman who throws flowers at the bull-fights
(d) A person who brings the bulls to the arena

10. What is the name of the hotel that Jake, Bill and Cohen stay at in Pamplona?
(a) Hotel Montoya
(b) Hotel Bayonne
(c) Hotel Torino
(d) Hotel Basque

11. What item does Pedro Romero give to his sword-handler to bring to Brett who is sitting in the stands?
(a) His tri-cornered hat
(b) His leather gloves
(c) His gold-brocaded cape
(d) His black, silk sash

12. What will the spectators do on the morning of the first day of the bull fights?
(a) They will run down the street with the bulls behind them.
(b) They will stay inside, not looking at the bulls until the fight.
(c) They will run down the street behind the bulls.
(d) They will stay back behind the posts and let the bulls run past.

13. How does dinner with Brett, Mike, Cohn, and Bill remind Jake of dinners during the war?
(a) There are arguments, hurt feelings, and fear.
(b) There is wine, ignored tension, and foreboding of what is to come.
(c) There is a feeling that it will be their last dinner together.
(d) There is camaraderie between friends.

14. What did a Basque offer to Jake and Bill as they waited in the heat for the bus to leave for Burguete?
(a) Fruit from a wicker basket
(b) Raw meat wrapped in grape leaves
(c) Goat's milk
(d) A drink from a big leather wine bag

15. Why were workmen putting up gate-posts that shut off the side streets in Pamplona?
(a) To make a place for tying the spectator's horses during the bull fight
(b) So the women could hang flowers from the posts for the fiesta
(c) To prevent the bulls from running down the side streets when they were released into the street the next morning.
(d) For the fiesta parade the next day

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the weather like when Jake and Bill arrive in Burguete?

2. How is Robert Cohn feeling while he and Jake wait for Brett's train to arrive?

3. What is morality, according to Jake?

4. What is the condition of the countryside in the Basque country?

5. What does the crowd do to Romero after the bullfights are over?

(see the answer keys)

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