The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Sun Also Rises Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Jake watches Brett walk up the street from his flat and get into the Count's limousine, what is he thinking?
(a) He thinks that it is easy to be brave and ignore things in the daytime, but at night, all the worries and heartache returns.
(b) He thinks that he should have gone with Brett when she offered to bring him to Zelli's.
(c) He thinks that he should be getting back to bed.
(d) He wonders what it would be like if he was able to have a normal relationship with Brett.

2. The Count boasts that he has been around. Where has he been?
(a) He has been all over Europe.
(b) He has been in seven wars and four revolutions.
(c) He has traveled across America.
(d) He has sailed around the world.

3. Who do Jake and Bill share their train compartment with?
(a) Count Mippipopolous
(b) Two single women traveling alone
(c) Two soldiers from America
(d) An American man, his wife, and their young son

4. What are the two pieces of mail that Jakes picks up from the concierge when he returns to his flat?
(a) A postcard from an army buddy and a letter from his sister
(b) A college commencement invitation and a letter from Brett
(c) A bank statement and a wedding invitation
(d) A letter from his brother in America and a bank statement

5. As Jake lies in bed, what does he start thinking about that keeps him from sleeping?
(a) He thinks about the war injury he received in Italy and about what might have happened to the other men who were with him in the hospital.
(b) He thinks about going on a trip to the bull-fights.
(c) He thinks about all the work he has to do the next day and if he will meet his deadlines.
(d) He thinks about Robert Cohn and South America.

6. When Brett doesn't show up at the Hotel Crillon, Jake takes a cab to the Select. Who asks him to sit down when he arrives?
(a) Brett Ashley
(b) Harvey Stone
(c) Robert Cohn
(d) Braddocks

7. Why does Jake think of Cohn as Moses seeing the Promised Land for the first time while they are having a drink together at the dance?
(a) Cohn is eagerly looking at Lady Brett, hoping for a dance.
(b) Cohn is in awe of the night life in Paris.
(c) Cohn is expectantly hoping for a night with Georgette.
(d) Cohn is looking with adoration at his fiancée, Frances.

8. What is Harvey's opinion of Robert Cohn?
(a) He is a wonderful novelist.
(b) He is a trustworthy friend.
(c) He is a moron.
(d) He is a witty, humorous man.

9. As Frances continues her tirade against Cohn, what does she think is the real reason why he won't marry her?
(a) He wouldn't be able to hang out in the cafes as much.
(b) His children would be hurt by the marriage.
(c) It would be romantic to say that he had a mistress for two years.
(d) He feels he is not good enough for her.

10. What does Jake do when he gets to his office after breakfast?
(a) He tries to concentrate on his typing, but can't hold a clear thought.
(b) He sits at his desk, wallowing in self-pity.
(c) He reads the French morning papers, smokes and sets to work on the typewriter.
(d) He has a cup of coffee and then decides to go home.

11. Why does the Count enjoy everything so much?
(a) Because he has so many friends
(b) Because he has plenty of money to spend
(c) Because he has lived a full life and gotten to know the values, so he can enjoy everything.
(d) Because he is always drunk

12. Where was the Count when he received his wounds?
(a) In the Italian front
(b) On a naval ship
(c) On a business trip
(d) Fighting in a revolution

13. Why doesn't Jake eat at Madame Lecomte's restaurant very often?
(a) Too many of his fellow Americans go there
(b) He prefers eating at home.
(c) He had an argument with the owner.
(d) He doesn't care for the menu.

14. What is Jake referring to when he says to Brett, "you like to add them up."?
(a) Brett adds up the number of brandies she drinks when she goes out.
(b) Brett adds up the number of shoes she owns, buying a new pair every week.
(c) Brett likes to hang all her dresses in color coordinated order.
(d) Brett enjoys it when more and more men become infatuated with her.

15. Bill is so annoyed about eating lunch at quarter past four that he stops a priest who is coming back from lunch. What comment does he make to the priest?
(a) He asks if all the Catholics enjoyed making everyone else on the train wait for lunch.
(b) He wants to know when the Protestants get to eat and it makes him want to join the Klan.
(c) He asks if the next time, the Catholics can be the last to be served.
(d) He inquires about the quality of the food and if there is any left.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who asks Jake to lunch after he gets back to the office?

2. When Jake is about to leave the dance-club, what does he give the patronne for Georgette?

3. Who does Brett's friend, Zizi, introduce her to when she and Jake go into the Café Select?

4. What advice do people offer Jake about his war injury that he resents so much?

5. Robert Cohen changes his lifestyle after reading "The Purple Land" by W. H. Hudson. What is the theme of this novel?

(see the answer keys)

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