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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why does the Count enjoy everything so much?
(a) Because he has plenty of money to spend
(b) Because he is always drunk
(c) Because he has so many friends
(d) Because he has lived a full life and gotten to know the values, so he can enjoy everything.
2. Why does Krum have a difficult time going out to the Dingo or the Select?
(a) He is too tired by the end of the work day.
(b) His budget won't allow him to go out much.
(c) He has to work nights.
(d) It's hard getting out with a wife and children.
3. Robert Cohn is a Jewish man attending Princeton. How does this make him feel?
(a) Superior and snooty
(b) Inferior and shy
(c) Outgoing and proud
(d) Angry and reclusive
4. How does Jake react when Brett tells him she was in San Sebastian with Cohn?
(a) He is nasty and sarcastic.
(b) His eyes tear up and his lip trembles.
(c) He tells Brett she cannot go to Pamplona.
(d) He is indifferent to the whole situation.
5. Jake, Bill and their traveling companions in the train compartment talk about fishing trips. What comment does the American wife make about men?
(a) She implies that men get out of control if there is liquor around.
(b) She says that only a few men get drunk on a regular basis.
(c) She says that most men are self-disciplined and decent.
(d) She says that most men voted for prohibition.
6. What are the two ideas Robert Cohn gets from W. H. Hudson's novel, "The Purple Land"?
(a) Going to see bull-fighters will spice up his life and getting married is necessary for a man.
(b) Everyone needs many children and live through your children.
(c) Dating many women is the thing to do and writing a novel is fulfilling.
(d) South America will help him live life and he doesn't like Paris.
7. After his miserable night crying over Brett, Jake walks down the Boulevard to the rue Soufflot for breakfast. What is his frame of mind?
(a) He walks down the street in a fog, not noticing the events around him.
(b) He wishes he had stayed in bed.
(c) He feels it is a fine and pleasant morning.
(d) He is still distraught over Brett and skips breakfast.
8. What did Frances say that Robert did to his secretary at Frances' request?
(a) He promoted her to an editorial position.
(b) He mentioned her in his first novel.
(c) He got rid of her to please Frances.
(d) He gave her an increase in pay.
9. What are the two pieces of mail that Jakes picks up from the concierge when he returns to his flat?
(a) A bank statement and a wedding invitation
(b) A college commencement invitation and a letter from Brett
(c) A postcard from an army buddy and a letter from his sister
(d) A letter from his brother in America and a bank statement
10. What happens to Jake when he suggests he and Cohn go to Strasbourg for the weekend to meet a girl he knows there?
(a) Frances kicks him under the table.
(b) Cohn kicks him under the table.
(c) Frances throws water in his face.
(d) Jake spills hot coffee in his lap.
11. Robert Cohn moves to California and uses the remainder of his fifty thousand dollars to back and become sole editor of what magazine?
(a) The Fine Arts and Music Magazine
(b) Review of the Arts
(c) The Princeton Review
(d) The California Coastline
12. Who does Brett's friend, Zizi, introduce her to when she and Jake go into the Café Select?
(a) Count Mippipopolous
(b) Robert Cohn
(c) Marshal Ney
(d) Aloysius Kirby
13. What does Brett say she did while in San Sebastian?
(a) She visited all the cafes in the area.
(b) She never went out and didn't do anything.
(c) She prayed at the Basílica de Santa María del Coro.
(d) She went sun bathing at the beach.
14. What is the financial status of Robert Cohn's parents who reside in New York?
(a) They are middle class working people.
(b) They are low income, struggling to survive.
(c) They are one of the richest Jewish, New York families.
(d) They are unemployed with a bleak future.
15. Where do the Count, Brett, and Jake go after they finish dinner in the restaurant?
(a) They go for a tour of Paris in a horse-cab.
(b) They go dancing at Zelli's.
(c) They go for a stroll in the park.
(d) They go to the Count's hotel room for champagne.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Brett say she is feeling after she and Jake get into the taxi?
2. Who has a cab waiting for Jake and Bill as they get off the train?
3. Why doesn't Jake eat at Madame Lecomte's restaurant very often?
4. Jake runs into some of his friends while eating at the restaurant with Georgette. Where does Braddocks ask Jake and Georgette to go?
5. Where do Brett and Jake decide to go after leaving the dance-club?
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