The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, Chapter 18.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the cost for room and board at Jake's hotel in Burguete?
(a) Twelve pesetas, which Jake feels is too much
(b) Five pesetas, which Jake feels is reasonable
(c) Three pesetas, which is cheap
(d) Seven pesetas, but the wine is included

2. Why does the concierge of Jake's flat changer her opinion of Brett?
(a) She sees that Brett is from a low class family, penniless and a fortune hunter.
(b) She sees that Brett is a shrew who should be avoided.
(c) She discovers that Brett is rude, crude, and ignorant.
(d) She sees that Brett is very nice, of a good family and very gentile.

3. What does Robert Cohn do when he finds Brett and Pedro Romero in bed together?
(a) He slaps Brett and drags her out the door.
(b) He gives Romero a brutal beating.
(c) He runs out the door crying.
(d) He screams that he never wants to see Brett again.

4. In a letter to Jake, what does Cohn tell Jake he has been doing in Hendaye?
(a) Going on long walks and hunting
(b) Having a quiet time, bathing, golfing, and playing bridge
(c) Gambling and drinking
(d) Bicycling and boating

5. What keepsake does Romero hand to Brett after he kills the last bull?
(a) His sword
(b) The bull's severed ear
(c) The bull's severed tongue
(d) The bloody cape

Short Answer Questions

1. Jake runs into some of his friends while eating at the restaurant with Georgette. Where does Braddocks ask Jake and Georgette to go?

2. Georgette asks Jake what is wrong with him, since he doesn't want her to touch him. What does he reply?

3. Who arrives at Jake's flat after he finishes showering?

4. What does Jake do when he gets to his office after breakfast?

5. Bill lectures Jake about being an expatriate. What does he say has ruined Jake?

(see the answer key)

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