The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, Chapter 18.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jake and Cohn get into an argument during lunch. What is the argument about?
(a) Jake is sick and tired of hearing about South America, telling Cohn to drop the subject.
(b) Cohn is angry that Jake insults Brett by saying she married someone she didn't love, twice. Jake also tells him to go to hell.
(c) Cohn is insulted when Jake tells him to leave Frances because she is no good for him.
(d) Jake is furious when Cohn makes a joke about his war injury.

2. Did Jake and Bill have any luck fishing after their long hike into the valley of the Rio de la Fabrica?
(a) They each catch one trout.
(b) Jake catches six trout and Bill catches four.
(c) Jake catches six trout but Bill has no luck.
(d) They don't get any bites all morning.

3. What is an aficionado?
(a) A woman who throws flowers at the bull-fights
(b) A person who brings the bulls to the arena
(c) A person who is passionate about the bull-fights
(d) Someone who over indulges in wine

4. Where does Brett tell Jake she is going?
(a) America
(b) San Sebastian
(c) Africa
(d) England

5. What did Frances say that Robert did to his secretary at Frances' request?
(a) He promoted her to an editorial position.
(b) He mentioned her in his first novel.
(c) He gave her an increase in pay.
(d) He got rid of her to please Frances.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the two pieces of mail that Jakes picks up from the concierge when he returns to his flat?

2. What is Brett's formal title?

3. Jake tells Brett that he loves her so much and makes a suggestion to her. What is the suggestion?

4. How did the Count receive the wounds above his ribs?

5. Robert Cohn falls asleep in Jakes office and talks in his sleep. What does he say?

(see the answer key)

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