The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 1, Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jake and Cohn get into an argument during lunch. What is the argument about?
(a) Cohn is angry that Jake insults Brett by saying she married someone she didn't love, twice. Jake also tells him to go to hell.
(b) Cohn is insulted when Jake tells him to leave Frances because she is no good for him.
(c) Jake is sick and tired of hearing about South America, telling Cohn to drop the subject.
(d) Jake is furious when Cohn makes a joke about his war injury.

2. According to Cohn, what is the reason Frances would not go to South America with him?
(a) She thinks South America is the wilderness.
(b) She wouldn't like South America. She likes to be around a lot of people.
(c) She doesn't like foreign countries.
(d) She is afraid to travel.

3. What are the two pieces of mail that Jakes picks up from the concierge when he returns to his flat?
(a) A letter from his brother in America and a bank statement
(b) A college commencement invitation and a letter from Brett
(c) A bank statement and a wedding invitation
(d) A postcard from an army buddy and a letter from his sister

4. Who does Jake say are the only people who live their lives to the fullest?
(a) Horse racers
(b) Bullfighters
(c) African safari hunters
(d) Artists

5. Georgette asks Jake what is wrong with him, since he doesn't want her to touch him. What does he reply?
(a) He is afraid of catching something from her.
(b) He had too much to drink.
(c) He was hurt in the war.
(d) He has a girlfriend.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jake think of Cohn as Moses seeing the Promised Land for the first time while they are having a drink together at the dance?

2. While eating lunch at Wetzels's, Jake asks Cohn how his writing is progressing. What is Cohn's reply?

3. Robert Cohen changes his lifestyle after reading "The Purple Land" by W. H. Hudson. What is the theme of this novel?

4. Who are the two friends Robert Cohn has during his three years in Europe?

5. What is Jake referring to when he says to Brett, "you like to add them up."?

(see the answer key)

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