The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, Chapter 16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Jake watches Brett walk up the street from his flat and get into the Count's limousine, what is he thinking?
(a) He thinks that he should have gone with Brett when she offered to bring him to Zelli's.
(b) He thinks that he should be getting back to bed.
(c) He wonders what it would be like if he was able to have a normal relationship with Brett.
(d) He thinks that it is easy to be brave and ignore things in the daytime, but at night, all the worries and heartache returns.

2. What is the name of the hotel that Jake, Bill and Cohen stay at in Pamplona?
(a) Hotel Basque
(b) Hotel Bayonne
(c) Hotel Montoya
(d) Hotel Torino

3. Why did the bus have to pull over to the side of the road as it climbed into the hills?
(a) To make room for the wild goats on the hillside
(b) To give room to six mules pulling a heavily loaded freight wagon
(c) To give room to pilgrims passing on the road
(d) So everyone could get a good view of the countryside

4. What do Jake, Bill and Cohn decide to do after Jake receives the telegram from Brett says she and Mike stopped in San Sebastian for the night?
(a) They decide to take the noon bus for Burguete.
(b) They decide that Jake and Cohn will go on to Burgete, and Bill will wait for Brett.
(c) They decide to wait until the next day before they go to Burguete.
(d) They decide to go to San Sebastian to meet Brett and Mike.

5. Why does Krum have a difficult time going out to the Dingo or the Select?
(a) He is too tired by the end of the work day.
(b) It's hard getting out with a wife and children.
(c) His budget won't allow him to go out much.
(d) He has to work nights.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jake feels he did not give an accurate picture of Robert Cohn. What does he add to his description of Cohn?

2. What does Jake do to pass the time while Brett and Robert Cohn are out of town?

3. Who does Jake say are the only people who live their lives to the fullest?

4. How is Brett feeling when Jake says goodbye to her at her hotel?

5. What effect does the imitation absinthe drink called pernod have on those who drink it?

(see the answer key)

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