The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 1, Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jake referring to when he says to Brett, "you like to add them up."?
(a) Brett adds up the number of shoes she owns, buying a new pair every week.
(b) Brett adds up the number of brandies she drinks when she goes out.
(c) Brett enjoys it when more and more men become infatuated with her.
(d) Brett likes to hang all her dresses in color coordinated order.

2. Who does Brett leave the dance-club with?
(a) Braddocks
(b) Cohn
(c) Georgette
(d) Jake

3. As Jake lies in bed, what does he start thinking about that keeps him from sleeping?
(a) He thinks about all the work he has to do the next day and if he will meet his deadlines.
(b) He thinks about the war injury he received in Italy and about what might have happened to the other men who were with him in the hospital.
(c) He thinks about going on a trip to the bull-fights.
(d) He thinks about Robert Cohn and South America.

4. What news does Frances Clyne reveal to Jake when she asks him to go with her to the Dome?
(a) She tells Jake that she doesn't want Jake in the wedding.
(b) She tells Jake that Cohn does not want to marry her anymore and that he hasn't lived enough.
(c) She wants Jake to arrange a surprise bachelor party for Cohn.
(d) She informs Jake that Cohn wants Jake to be his best man for their wedding.

5. What advice do people offer Jake about his war injury that he resents so much?
(a) They say it is better than getting killed.
(b) They tell him he is lucky; it could have been worse.
(c) They tell him not to think about it.
(d) They tell him it is not important and he shouldn't worry about it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jake ask himself as he leaves Frances and Cohn in the café?

2. When Jake is about to leave the dance-club, what does he give the patronne for Georgette?

3. Why does Frances tell Robert not to have scenes with his young ladies?

4. Jake runs into some of his friends while eating at the restaurant with Georgette. Where does Braddocks ask Jake and Georgette to go?

5. What does Jake do when he gets to his office after breakfast?

(see the answer key)

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