The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 1, Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Georgette asks Jake what is wrong with him, since he doesn't want her to touch him. What does he reply?
(a) He was hurt in the war.
(b) He had too much to drink.
(c) He has a girlfriend.
(d) He is afraid of catching something from her.

2. As Jake watches Brett walk up the street from his flat and get into the Count's limousine, what is he thinking?
(a) He thinks that it is easy to be brave and ignore things in the daytime, but at night, all the worries and heartache returns.
(b) He wonders what it would be like if he was able to have a normal relationship with Brett.
(c) He thinks that he should be getting back to bed.
(d) He thinks that he should have gone with Brett when she offered to bring him to Zelli's.

3. What is Brett's response when the Count asks her to go to Biarritz, Cannes, or Monte Carlo?
(a) She says that she knows too many people everywhere and she is in love with Jake.
(b) She says that she would rather go to America with him.
(c) She says that she would be delighted to go to all those places.
(d) She says that she cannot go because Cohn would be upset.

4. As Frances continues her tirade against Cohn, what does she think is the real reason why he won't marry her?
(a) He feels he is not good enough for her.
(b) He wouldn't be able to hang out in the cafes as much.
(c) It would be romantic to say that he had a mistress for two years.
(d) His children would be hurt by the marriage.

5. What news does Frances Clyne reveal to Jake when she asks him to go with her to the Dome?
(a) She wants Jake to arrange a surprise bachelor party for Cohn.
(b) She tells Jake that Cohn does not want to marry her anymore and that he hasn't lived enough.
(c) She tells Jake that she doesn't want Jake in the wedding.
(d) She informs Jake that Cohn wants Jake to be his best man for their wedding.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Jake tell Cohn that he met Brett?

2. How does Jake describe being in love to Brett?

3. Why is Robert Cohn so anxious to go to South America with Jake?

4. Why does Jake ask Georgette, the prostitute, to have dinner with him?

5. How does Brett say she is feeling after she and Jake get into the taxi?

(see the answer key)

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