The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Also Rises Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, Chapter 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What meal is served to Jake and Bill their first night in the hotel?
(a) Fried steak, olives, grapes, wine
(b) Salad, eggs, olives, hot rum
(c) Vegetable soup, fried trout, stew, strawberries and wine
(d) Roast chicken, grapes, boiled vegetables, and wine

2. After his miserable night crying over Brett, Jake walks down the Boulevard to the rue Soufflot for breakfast. What is his frame of mind?
(a) He walks down the street in a fog, not noticing the events around him.
(b) He is still distraught over Brett and skips breakfast.
(c) He wishes he had stayed in bed.
(d) He feels it is a fine and pleasant morning.

3. Jake, Bill and their traveling companions in the train compartment talk about fishing trips. What comment does the American wife make about men?
(a) She says that only a few men get drunk on a regular basis.
(b) She implies that men get out of control if there is liquor around.
(c) She says that most men voted for prohibition.
(d) She says that most men are self-disciplined and decent.

4. Where do the Count, Brett, and Jake go after they finish dinner in the restaurant?
(a) They go for a stroll in the park.
(b) They go dancing at Zelli's.
(c) They go to the Count's hotel room for champagne.
(d) They go for a tour of Paris in a horse-cab.

5. Who asks Jake to lunch after he gets back to the office?
(a) Krum
(b) Robert Cohn
(c) Woolsey
(d) Brett Ashley

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mike assigned to bring to Pamplona?

2. How does Jake introduce Georgette to his friends when they meet at the restaurant?

3. Jake runs into some of his friends while eating at the restaurant with Georgette. Where does Braddocks ask Jake and Georgette to go?

4. Who arrives at Jake's flat after he finishes showering?

5. While eating lunch at Wetzels's, Jake asks Cohn how his writing is progressing. What is Cohn's reply?

(see the answer key)

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