Summer of the Monkeys Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Summer of the Monkeys Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Daisy do during the bad weather?
(a) Gets into bed with her mother.
(b) Hugs her cat.
(c) Sings to herself.
(d) Hides in Jay Berry's room.

2. Why do Papa and Jay Berry agree to tend Grandpa's store for a day?
(a) So Grandpa can have surgery.
(b) So Grandpa and Grandma can go on a little trip.
(c) So Grandpa can take Grandma to a wedding.
(d) So Grandpa, Grandma, Mama and Daisy can go to town.

3. What does Jay Berry have to do in order to convince Rowdy to go back to the bottoms with him?
(a) He puts him on a leash.
(b) He pretends to cry.
(c) He tells him they are going after rabbits.
(d) He gives him treats.

4. Which pony does Jay Berry want?
(a) A white roan.
(b) A black paint mare.
(c) A black and white paint mare.
(d) A chestnut roan.

5. Why does Grandpa say that he chose the crippled pony for Jay Berry to see?
(a) He thinks she has the best price.
(b) He thinks she has a good spirit.
(c) He feels sorry for anything that is crippled.
(d) He thought she had a pretty coat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Jimbo go to other than Jay Berry?

2. What does Jay Berry do when he realizes he and the monkeys are drunk?

3. What kind of weather occurs at the beginning of Chapter 13?

4. What does Jay Berry dream of on the night after he caught the monkeys?

5. What secret wish does Jay Berry make inside the fairy ring?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are the men who have arrived in the circus truck and what do they do at the Lee farm?

2. What do the family members wish for at the fairy ring and what does Jay Berry's wish say about him?

3. Where does Jay Berry find the monkeys on the morning after the big storm?

4. What is Grandpa's idea for getting more information about catching the monkeys?

5. Which pony does Jay Berry select and what is the problem with her?

6. Who is Indian Tom and why does Grandpa go to visit him?

7. How are the monkeys drinking the sour mash and how does Jay Berry get his first sip of it?

8. What does Jay Berry realize has happened after he and Rowdy drink so much of the sour mash?

9. What is Jay Berry's response when Grandpa asks about his wish in the fairy ring?

10. What is the source of the fermenting fruit smell that Jay Berry sniffs out in the bottoms?

(see the answer keys)

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