Summer of the Monkeys Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Summer of the Monkeys Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the chimpanzee get the apple pieces from the traps?
(a) He unties the strings.
(b) He doesn't get the apple pieces.
(c) He springs the trap with a stick.
(d) He makes other monkeys get them.

2. What is the name of the family's milk cow?
(a) Sissy Belle.
(b) Ginny Mae.
(c) Sally Gooden.
(d) Bessie Mae.

3. Jay Berry thinks that the chimpanzee looks like ___________________.
(a) A dog.
(b) A monster.
(c) A boy.
(d) The Old Man of the Mountain.

4. How many days does it take Jay Berry to recover in bed from his monkey wounds?
(a) 2.
(b) 6.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

5. Who is Daisy?
(a) Jay Berry's cousin.
(b) Jay Berry's twin sister.
(c) Jay Berry's girlfriend.
(d) Jay Berry's mother.

6. Daisy tells Jay Berry that the Old Man of the Mountains doesn't like it when boys ___________________
(a) Lie.
(b) Kill or harm animals.
(c) Chop down trees.
(d) Are mean to their sisters.

7. What does Daisy use to help her move around?
(a) A wheelchair.
(b) A crutch.
(c) A cane.
(d) A walker.

8. Jay Berry likes to explore the area around the _______________________.
(a) Haunted house in town.
(b) Illinois River Bottoms.
(c) Abandoned mine shaft.
(d) Indian caves.

9. What does Papa think will be difficult for Jay Berry in catching the monkeys?
(a) They have to be caught alive.
(b) They don't know what food to give them.
(c) There is no place to keep them.
(d) He is not a very good shot with a rifle.

10. Jay Berry's family's land is located near modern day Tahlequah, ______________ County, Oklahoma.
(a) Benton.
(b) Cherokee.
(c) Lakota.
(d) Montgomery.

11. What does Grandfather say that Grandpas are for?
(a) To encourage sports.
(b) To know things for boys.
(c) To teach manners.
(d) To whittle whistles.

12. Which of the following is NOT something Jay Berry enjoys having?
(a) Books.
(b) Wild areas near the river.
(c) Dog.
(d) Pocket knife.

13. Who does Jay Berry take to the bottoms to see the monkeys?
(a) Daisy.
(b) Papa.
(c) Mama.
(d) Grandpa.

14. What does Jay Berry dream about in Chapter 4?
(a) Monkeys.
(b) Boats.
(c) Guns.
(d) Horses.

15. What does Jay Berry's mother make him do if he forgets something?
(a) He has to wear a string around his finger.
(b) He has to wear a bonnet for a week.
(c) He has to wear his shirt backwards for a week.
(d) He has extra chores for a week.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jay Berry try to convince his father of regarding the monkeys?

2. What is the name of the gander at Jay Berry's house?

3. How many acres of farmland did Jay Berry's parents inherit when he was a baby?

4. What is Grandpa's advice about animals?

5. What does Grandfather wrap some small animal traps with so they won't hurt the monkeys?

(see the answer keys)

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