Summer of the Monkeys Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Summer of the Monkeys Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Jay Berry Lee

He is a fourteen-year-old boy, born in the late 1800s, who lives with his parents and his twin sister.

Daisy Lee

She is a fourteen-year-old girl, born with a crippled leg, causing her to use a crutch to move around.

Papa Bob and Mama Sara Lee

They are former sharecroppers from Missouri who eventually settle on sixty acres of land in northeastern Oklahoma.

Grandpa and Grandma

Their names are not given in the novel; he is uneducated but very intelligent and runs a small store, and she has great faith in her grandson and knows he will always make the moral decision.


He is a blue tick hound and is Jay Berry's inseparable companion.


Known through most of the novel as the $100 monkey, he is a highly trained and very intelligent chimpanzee.

The Gravely Brothers

Mama Lee considers them a bad lot because...

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