Summer Knight Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Summer Knight Test | Final Test - Medium

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Harry realize about Elaine's last statement?
(a) She gave him a clue.
(b) She was killing him.
(c) She was saying she would call the White Council.
(d) She was saying good-bye.

2. How does Harry view Lea's care taking of him?
(a) She has never taken care of him.
(b) It has been too intermittant.
(c) It has been very reassuring.
(d) It has been more harmful than helpful.

3. What does Harry decide when he sees the battle between the courts?
(a) He needs to destroy the table.
(b) He needs to get to Chicago Westside Park.
(c) He needs to get Lea back to the cabin.
(d) He needs to contact the White Council.

4. Who arrives as Harry breaks free from his bindings?
(a) Lea.
(b) Billy.
(c) Morgan.
(d) The Gatekeeper.

5. What does Harry try to explain to Morgan?
(a) The battle between the courts.
(b) The importance about what is going on.
(c) Why Harry needs help.
(d) The Red Court's connection to the Summer Knight's death.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Lloyd Slate treat bad more than most others?

2. What does Harry ask the Mothers?

3. What does Harry think about Aurora's plan?

4. What are both courts trying to do with the Stone Table?

5. How does Harry feel about Meryl's request?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where do Harry and Murphy go when they leave the store, who takes Murphy to the hospital and what do Meryl and Harry discuss?

2. What do Winter and Summer agree to do with Harry and what do they require? Do they fulfill their bargain?

3. What question does Harry ask the mothers and what is their answer?

4. Why is Elaine in Harry's car when he finishes talking with Meryl and what does he do with her?

5. What does Lea show Harry and what does Harry learn from it?

6. What does Aurora tell Harry about what she plans to do with the Summer Knight power? What will result from her actions?

7. Who are the people Harry encountered at the funeral and why do they want to hire Harry?

8. What do the mothers tell Harry he must do and what do they give him to use?

9. How does Harry get away from the chlorofiend?

10. Where does the magic carriage take Harry and Elaine and what happens immediately upon arriving there?

(see the answer keys)

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