Summer Knight Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Summer Knight Test | Final Test - Easy

Jim Butcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Ronald do for Meryl and her friends?
(a) Harass them.
(b) Protect them.
(c) Support them financially.
(d) Blackmail them.

2. What are both courts trying to do with the Stone Table?
(a) Destroy it.
(b) Use it.
(c) Protect it.
(d) Pour blood on it.

3. What does Harry try to explain to Morgan?
(a) The Red Court's connection to the Summer Knight's death.
(b) Why Harry needs help.
(c) The importance about what is going on.
(d) The battle between the courts.

4. What kind of tool does Karrin use on Grum?
(a) A hammer.
(b) A chain saw.
(c) A garden rake.
(d) A shovel.

5. Who are the people who attack Harry and Billy in the alley?
(a) Morgan.
(b) The three people from Ronald's funeral.
(c) Two vampires from the Red Court.
(d) The Winter Knight.

6. Why does Meryl apologize to Harry?
(a) For kicking him in the shins at the restaurant.
(b) For slapping him in the face near his apartment.
(c) For grabbing his neck in the alley.
(d) For hitting him outside the funeral home.

7. What does Harry figure out due to the Winter and Summer courts' behavior?
(a) Both courts want to save the world.
(b) Neither know who holds the Summer Knight's power.
(c) Neither court is stronger than the other.
(d) Both of them want to destroy the world.

8. Who charges Harry when they arrive in the garden?
(a) A centaur.
(b) A wizard.
(c) A werewolf.
(d) A vampire.

9. Who was Korrick pretending to be in Nevernever?
(a) Morgan.
(b) A unicorn.
(c) A ghoul.
(d) Grum.

10. How does Harry view Lea's care taking of him?
(a) It has been more harmful than helpful.
(b) It has been too intermittant.
(c) She has never taken care of him.
(d) It has been very reassuring.

11. Where does Harry find the Mothers?
(a) At the White Council.
(b) In a cabin in Nevernever.
(c) At the Summer Court.
(d) At Lea's house.

12. Why is Elaine sitting in Harry's car when he returns from seeing Meryl and Fix?
(a) Her feet are tired of walking.
(b) She has no car of her own.
(c) She is injured.
(d) She is going to kill him.

13. What does Harry want to know as far as the ogre and ghoul are concerned?
(a) Who their parents are.
(b) Who sent them after him.
(c) Where they live.
(d) If the White Council can arrest them.

14. Where is the Summer Lady staying?
(a) Hotel Chicago.
(b) Like Michigan Forest Park.
(c) Central Park.
(d) Rothchild Hotel.

15. Why is Aurora doing what she is doing?
(a) To kill Mab.
(b) To have more power.
(c) To end the White Council.
(d) To stop the struggle between Summer and Winter.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Meryl and Fix want to hire Harry?

2. What does Mother Winter give Harry?

3. What is the mist that is pouring into Walmart when Harry and Karrin are there?

4. Where do Harry and Karrin go when they leave Walmart?

5. What does Aurora arrange to do with Harry?

(see the answer keys)

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