Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Test | Final Test - Medium

David Eagleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Test | Final Test - Medium

David Eagleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Subjunctive: What are people judged on in this afterlife?
(a) What they did to others.
(b) What they could have been.
(c) How they compare to others.
(d) How they treated animals.

2. Incentive: What are the people called who are unaware that death does not exist?
(a) Losers.
(b) Unwanted.
(c) Beneficiaries.
(d) Disbelievers.

3. Subjunctive: What are people confronted with here?
(a) The people they bullied in life.
(b) Gods from all over the world.
(c) Different versions of themselves.
(d) A panel of judges.

4. Will-o-the-Wisp: What are the viewers in the lounge not allowed to see?
(a) Wars and murders.
(b) Failures and misery of their loved ones.
(c) The other people who are in the lounge.
(d) What is going on in the rest of heaven.

5. Seed: How did God come to create man?
(a) By accident.
(b) He had an intricate plan.
(c) After years and years of thought.
(d) Out of boredom.

Short Answer Questions

1. Prism: What problem developed as a result of God's plan?

2. Conservation: This universe was created by ________________.

3. Reversal: When will everyone live again?

4. Microbe: What is unique about this afterlife?

5. Impulse: Why do humans have an emotional yearning for companionship?

Short Essay Questions

1. Death Watch: Why would anyone feel the need to install a death switch on someone's computer?

2. Conservation: Eventually the quark must rest and recover the energy it needs to keep the universe going. What happens to the afterlife when the quark goes into the period of "incompleteness"?

3. Narcissus: The afterlife in this story takes place in the center of the earth. In the afterlife, the Cartographers download the images that people took while they were alive. However, the Cartographers are disappointed by the images the humans take. Why?

4. Conservation: How was the universe created in this story?

5. Subjunctive: What is the punishment a person faces in the afterlife if they are a failure during their living life?

6. Search: What happens to the atoms in your system when you die?

7. Encore: In this afterlife the Creators try to recreate you in Heaven to be the same as you were on earth. Why has the afterlife really come into its own in the last hundred years?

8. Apostasy: In this afterlife God is anxious to reveal the Book of Truth to everyone who enters. She has always feared that some people would figure out the answers to life before she could tell them. Why does she banish apostates from her Heaven?

9. Impulse: In this afterlife people are the same as computer chips. What happened to people that was not anticipated by the Programmers who created them?

10. Incentive: Why do actors often resent their job?

(see the answer keys)

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