Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Eagleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Eagleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sum: Once you make it through the pain segment of your remembered life:
(a) You are allowed to forget it all.
(b) You are pain free forever.
(c) You must relive each moment three times.
(d) You must make restitution for your wrongs.

2. Oz: What do those in the afterlife think about the Creator?
(a) That he is nice.
(b) That he is terrifying.
(c) That he will be loving.
(d) That he will be all knowing.

3. Mary: Which of his creations does God relate to the most?
(a) Mary.
(b) Dogs.
(c) Doctors.
(d) Man.

4. The Unnatural: What did you try to do before in this afterlife?
(a) Become wealthy.
(b) To die a different way.
(c) Be beautiful.
(d) Eradicate death.

5. Angst: How often do those in the afterlife get a vacation from their job?
(a) Every 10 years.
(b) Every 100 years.
(c) Every 30 years.
(d) Every 300 years.

6. Reins: Why did God begin to lose control of the afterlife?
(a) The angels set him up.
(b) He was bored with his job.
(c) The population was too large.
(d) People didn't believe in him.

7. Mirrors: What causes the final death in this afterlife?
(a) God calling the person's name.
(b) The person seeing all his/her flaws.
(c) The person seeing that his/her life is over.
(d) The person accepting his/her faults.

8. Distance: What does a man decide to ask God?
(a) Why he doesn't live with man.
(b) What his favorite food is.
(c) Why he created the earth.
(d) If he loves his creation.

9. Angst: What is man's job in the afterlife?
(a) To collect other beings.
(b) To support the universe.
(c) To shop.
(d) To help others die.

10. Adhesion: What do the creators of this afterlife want to understand?
(a) The universe.
(b) Human relationships.
(c) Glue.
(d) Human violence.

11. Sum: In this afterlife:
(a) Everything is hopeless and joyless.
(b) Everything is happy and joyful.
(c) Everything is not always pleasant.
(d) Everything is sad.

12. Perpetuity: What does God hope will happen to the sinners?
(a) They will see the error of their ways.
(b) They will become as miserable as he is.
(c) They will be happy forever.
(d) They will become Gladiators.

13. Mary: When did God become disenchanted with man?
(a) When men became violent.
(b) When men stopped following the Commandments.
(c) When men refused to come to the afterlie.
(d) When men began to read.

14. Adhesion: Who made humans in this story?
(a) Collectors.
(b) Other humans.
(c) Creators.
(d) Machines.

15. Reins: Who does God talk to in the afterlife?
(a) Gandhi and Dr. King.
(b) Humans.
(c) The angels.
(d) Mary Shelley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Descent of Species: What will happen if a person dies as a horse?

2. The Unnatural: People begin to realize that death provides _______________.

3. Perpetuity: What is missing from this afterlife?

4. Giantess: What does the man think about communicating with the Giantess?

5. Sum: In this afterlife you begin to long for:

(see the answer keys)

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