Suite Française Test | Final Test - Medium

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Suite Française Test | Final Test - Medium

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Lucile consider seeking out in Paris to help Benoit?
(a) The Michauds.
(b) Arlette Corail.
(c) The Pericands.
(d) Charles Langelet.

2. Of what ancestry is the German soldier staying at the Sabarie Farm?
(a) Greek.
(b) French.
(c) Swedish.
(d) Italian.

3. What do the Germans go to arrest Benoit for?
(a) Fighting with a German soldier.
(b) Stealing food.
(c) Having a gun.
(d) Escaping from prison.

4. What does the Viscount decide to do after the Viscountess tells him about Benoit's behavior?
(a) To go speak to Benoit.
(b) To put up signs in the yard with a warning.
(c) To go to German headquarters.
(d) To ignore his wife's irrational complaints.

5. Which of the following contribute to Lucile rejecting Bruno's advances?
(a) Bruno's angry disposition.
(b) Her shy nature.
(c) Her decision to hide Benoit.
(d) Her decison to become a nun.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much does Count de Furieres agree to pay the Michauds?

2. Where are the German soldiers having their party?

3. Which of the following best describes Charlotte Pericand's mother?

4. What does Madeleine ask Lucile to do when she comes to visit Lucile?

5. How is the Angellier house described?

Short Essay Questions

1. How has the war affected Corbin and Count de Furieres differently?

2. Why do the Perrin women come back to the village and pay a visit to the Angellier house?

3. What happens between the Viscountess de Montmort and Benoit while the Viscountess is out on one of her nighttime walks?

4. Describe the character of Benoit Sabarie.

5. What happens to Madame Angellier as Lucile and Bruno become closer?

6. What factors in to Lucile Angellier's decision to ultimately reject Bruno von Falk?

7. Describe the Viscountess Montmort.

8. Before Charlotte Pericand learns that Hubert is still alive, how does she react to the deaths of her sons?

9. How does Madame Angellier feel about her daughter-in-law, Lucile?

10. Describe Bruno von Falk. What does the development of his character do in the novel in Chapters 3 and 4?

(see the answer keys)

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