Suite Française Test | Final Test - Easy

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Suite Française Test | Final Test - Easy

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Viscount decide to do after the Viscountess tells him about Benoit's behavior?
(a) To go to German headquarters.
(b) To put up signs in the yard with a warning.
(c) To ignore his wife's irrational complaints.
(d) To go speak to Benoit.

2. What are the Germans preparing to celebrate?
(a) The anniversary of their arrival in France.
(b) The promotion of an officer.
(c) The birthday of Bruno von Falk.
(d) The life of their fallen comrade.

3. Who is Marthe?
(a) The Angelliers' maid.
(b) The Angelliers' cook.
(c) The Montmorts' maid.
(d) Bruno's wife.

4. How are Gabriel Corte and Florence treated when they arrive at the luxury hotel?
(a) They are recognized and treated as celebrities.
(b) They are treated very rudely and end up leaving.
(c) They are turned away as there are no rooms left.
(d) They are given the last room that is left.

5. What sight in the bar in Paris cheers up Charles Langelet?
(a) The smile of a beautiful woman sitting next to him.
(b) The delicious hors d'oeuvres served to his group.
(c) A small sable-skin hat worn by a woman in his group.
(d) The bartender giving a free drink to a refugee.

6. How is the Viscountess dressed when she pays a visit to Madame and Lucile Angellier?
(a) In her finest attire.
(b) In an evening gown.
(c) In an outfit she wears to church.
(d) In peasant clothes.

7. What does Lucile ask Bruno to do after he is smoked out of his room?
(a) Let her read his work.
(b) Leave the house.
(c) Play the piano for her.
(d) Clean the room when the smoke has cleared.

8. What are the Michauds astonished to find in Chapter 28?
(a) That they still have jobs.
(b) That their apartment is still in tact.
(c) That their son is waiting for them.
(d) That a wealthy patron has left them a bunch of money.

9. Which of the following best describes Charlotte Pericand's mother?
(a) She is quite frugal and very thin.
(b) She is stern and tyrannical.
(c) She is quiet and frail.
(d) She has an eating problem and is obese.

10. Which of the following contribute to Lucile rejecting Bruno's advances?
(a) Her shy nature.
(b) Her decision to hide Benoit.
(c) Bruno's angry disposition.
(d) Her decison to become a nun.

11. What promise does Jean-Marie make to Madeleine?
(a) That he will send her money.
(b) That he will remember her.
(c) That he will take her to Paris.
(d) That he will return and marry her.

12. What do the Germans go to arrest Benoit for?
(a) Escaping from prison.
(b) Having a gun.
(c) Fighting with a German soldier.
(d) Stealing food.

13. After it has become apparent that Lucile and Bruno have become friends, where does Madame Angellier spend much of her time?
(a) At the Viscountess' house.
(b) In the kitchen.
(c) In her room.
(d) In Lucille's room.

14. What does Bruno tell Lucile as they are saying goodbye?
(a) He wants her to come with him.
(b) He loves her.
(c) She is not allowed to go to Paris.
(d) His uncle in Paris will help her in any way.

15. What does Madame Angellier note while she is watching the village from her bedroom window?
(a) The villagers have decided to fight the Germans.
(b) Lucile has been kissing Bruno.
(c) All the important people have yielded to the Germans.
(d) The villagers are stealing from the Germans.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 29, who is doing the cleaning at Charles Langelet's house?

2. Who comes to the Angellier house to ask Bruno to recover some possessions from their house for them?

3. What is the name of Lucile Angellier's husband?

4. Which of the following best describes the German soldier living in the Angelliers' home?

5. What does the Viscountess Montmort discover on her nighttime walk around her property?

(see the answer keys)

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