Suite Française Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Suite Française Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens while the Michauds are waiting to take a train to Tours?
(a) They find their son among the wounded soldiers.
(b) The train station is bombed.
(c) They are told they can return to Paris.
(d) Jeanne Michaud becomes very ill.

2. What is the condition of the soldier in Chapter 13?
(a) He is dying.
(b) He is feeling strong and vibrant.
(c) He is wounded and not in good condition.
(d) He is healing and in good condition.

3. What does Charles Langelet notice about the young man he meets?
(a) He has a broken leg.
(b) He is suspicious.
(c) He has a deformed arm.
(d) He is wearing expensive clothing.

4. What couple is introduced in Chapter 5?
(a) The Michauds.
(b) The Angelliers.
(c) The Johnsons.
(d) The Langelets.

5. What does the senior Monsieur Pericand realize he needs to do once he is wrapped up and put in the car?
(a) He is tired.
(b) He needs to check his luggage.
(c) He forgot his cat.
(d) He needs to use the bathroom.

6. Who does the elder Monsieur Pericand ask for in Chapter 23?
(a) The priest.
(b) His maid.
(c) Hubert.
(d) The notary.

7. What is item is NOT included in the Pericands' packed car in Chapter 6?
(a) A dog.
(b) Linen.
(c) A pram.
(d) A bicycle.

8. In Chapter 11, which character becomes unable to walk and gets help from other refugees?
(a) Charlotte Pericand.
(b) Florence.
(c) Maurice Michaud.
(d) Jeanne Michaud.

9. Where are Gabriel and Florence driving toward?
(a) Bordeaux.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Paris.
(d) Marseille.

10. In Chapter 16, where have the Pericand family found a place to sleep?
(a) In the parlor of a house owned by a wealthy businessman.
(b) In a large room in a house owned by two elderly women.
(c) In a small hotel on the outskirts of Tours.
(d) In the vestibule of the train station.

11. What is the name of the young nun that goes to fetch Maitre Charboeuf?
(a) Marie.
(b) Claudia.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Lucile.

12. Why does Gabriel Corte refuse to sleep in the hotel room offered to him?
(a) He is secretly afraid they will be bombed.
(b) He doesn't think Florence will like it.
(c) The room is infested with cockroaches.
(d) The room is not up to his standards.

13. Who is Florence?
(a) Charles Langelet's maid.
(b) Phillipe Pericand's mistress.
(c) Gabriel Corte's mistress.
(d) A famous singer.

14. What does Gabriel Corte have a sudden urgent desire to do when the refugees are caught in the crossfire between the French and Germans?
(a) To join the French in the fight.
(b) To help the wounded refugees.
(c) To run away by himself.
(d) To save Florence's life.

15. In Chapter 2, what does the father tell the mother that the family must do?
(a) The family must leave their home for safety.
(b) The family must board up their home and hide inside.
(c) The family must provide lodging for refugees.
(d) The family must fly to England.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has happened to Charles Langelet's servants?

2. What do Gabriel and Florence find when they reach Tours?

3. What do Father Philippe and the boys eat before they camp for the night?

4. What does the couple in Chapter 5 do for a living?

5. What does the hotel room that Gabriel Corte refuses to take look out on?

(see the answer keys)

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