Suite Française Short Essay - Answer Key

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Suite Française Short Essay - Answer Key

Irène Némirovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. In the opening of the novel, what is happening in Paris and what are the attitudes of the citizens?

The city of Paris is under a real threat of bombing in the beginning of the novel. The citizens are waking up to prepare for an air raid and seem accustomed to this drill and the noises that accompany it. They dress and move through their houses in the dark, with some not even wanting to leave their beds. The citizens are concerned about the threat of bombing, but reality has not set in for them.

2. How does Charlotte Pericand treat her father-in-law and why?

Charlotte Pericand's father-in-law is very old and lives with the family. She makes a point to be extremely kind and good to him. Her father-in-law has a mass of wealth that would naturally fall into the hands of the Pericand family at his death. However, when he is not comfortable or well-served, he threatens to leave his fortune to a wayward children's home.

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