Sudden Prey Test | Final Test - Medium

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sudden Prey Test | Final Test - Medium

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Martin takes Sandy along when he goes to meet a gun dealer. What is the gun dealer's name?
(a) Bob.
(b) Mike.
(c) Jack.
(d) Dave.

2. What kind of guns are purchased from the dealer?
(a) .38.
(b) .22.
(c) 30-06.
(d) .45.

3. Davenport and Roux have doubts about ______'s part in the LaChaise case.
(a) Darling.
(b) Stadic.
(c) Palin.
(d) Franklin.

4. The men are concerned because there are reports of blizzard conditions in which area?
(a) Nebraska.
(b) Illinois.
(c) Michigan.
(d) Wisconsin.

5. Who does LaChaise call once he is inside?
(a) Butters.
(b) Sandy.
(c) Martin.
(d) Davenport.

Short Answer Questions

1. The group intends to be back in the Cities at what time of day?

2. How many arrows are there in the shooter's possession?

3. What is the collector's name?

4. What is the name of the cop whom LaChaise and Martin intend to ambush?

5. Who convinces the dealer to give false information?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Davenport do with the information? Who else becomes involved? What other piece of evidence points the finger in Stadic's direction?

2. What does LaChaise plan to do after receiving the phone call from Stadic? Where does the trio go?

3. What decision does LaChaise make while on the road? How does the decision reflect on LaChaise?

4. Davenport begins to look for alternate ways to catch LaChaise. What is Davenport's idea? Who is involved? Does Davenport get valuable information?

5. What is the first stop for LaChaise and Martin? What is the purpose for the trip?

6. What happens when the men arrive at the hospital? Is their mission successful? Is anyone injured?

7. Stadic continues to have bad luck but ventures forward. What is the next stage of Stadic's plan? Where does it take place?

8. LaChaise and Martin rethink their game plan. What are the men's two immediate short term goals? How are the goals accomplished?

9. What is Davenport doing when he receives a phone call about LaChaise? Where is LaChaise supposed to be and why?

10. Sandy views the trip to Winter's house as another opportunity for rescue. What does Sandy do to alert police?

(see the answer keys)

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