Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Wait does Peerbhoy Panwalla sell?
2. What type of demeanor does Dr. Paymaster have with his patients?
3. What does Dilnavaz put in the water to disinfect it?
4. What is the name of Mr. Rabadi's dog?
5. Who knows Mr. Madon's first name?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does the letter from Sister Constance say, and how does Gustad respond?
2. Describe the scene at Madhiwalla Bonesetter's clinic.
3. What happens to Miss Kutpitia's brother and nephew, and how does it affect Miss Kutpitia?
4. What foods does Dilnavaz cook for Roshan's birthday dinner, and how do her family members and Dinshawji enjoy them?
5. Describe what happened with Sohrab's endeavors in studying insects.
6. How does Gustad's grandmother cook chicken?
7. What are some of Tehmul's idiosyncrasies?
8. Describe Gustad's experience at the Chor Bazaar.
9. Describe the events of Gustad's accident.
10. What happens to Gustad's father's property, and what parts of it remain in Gustad's care?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Explain the role that newspapers have in the story. Stretch your thoughts to make a thorough analysis, and be sure to cite details from the text.
Essay Topic 2
Describe the use of flashback in the story. At what points in the plot does Mistry use it? Do you think it enhances or detracts from the literary value of the story?
Essay Topic 3
Describe the scene at Mount Mary and the requests that Gustad makes there. Do you think his visiting Mount Mary makes sense, given his personality and ordinary behavior? Do you think his trip is effective? Explain.
This section contains 827 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |