Such a Long Journey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Such a Long Journey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Alamai send Dinshawji's body for the funeral?
(a) Downtown to the municipal morgue.
(b) St. Mary's Catholic Church.
(c) The Tower of Silence.
(d) Home.

2. According to Dilnavaz, what will "burn up" Gustad's blood?
(a) Overcooked soup.
(b) Hot tea.
(c) Anger.
(d) Jealousy.

3. In Part 2 of Chapter 19, what does Gustad carefully observe?
(a) Sohrab's entrance exam scores.
(b) The scenery between New Delhi and Bombay.
(c) The sacred paintings on the wall.
(d) The medications in the sideboard.

4. What do Gustad and Nusli carry between them as they walk to the Tower of Silence?
(a) A crate of beer.
(b) A baton.
(c) A funeral wreath.
(d) A white handkerchief.

5. According to Miss Kutpitia's newspaper in Chapter 21, who has died?
(a) Inspector Bamji.
(b) G. Mohammed.
(c) J. Bilimoria.
(d) Alamai.

6. What hits Malcolm in the face in Chapter 22?
(a) A dead rat.
(b) A snake.
(c) Hydraulic Hema.
(d) A bird.

7. What religious figure does Mr. Rabadi request to be drawn on the wall?
(a) Madhiwalla Bonesetter.
(b) Zarathustra.
(c) St. George.
(d) Dustoorji Baria.

8. What topic does Laurie primarily discuss with Gustad?
(a) The state of the economy.
(b) Politics.
(c) Roshan's illness.
(d) Dinshawji.

9. Where does Gustad go in Chapter 15 in order to request healing for Roshan and Dinshawji?
(a) The Taj Mahal.
(b) Mount Mary.
(c) Madhiwalla Bonesetter.
(d) The Wailing Wall.

10. What is the name of the American aircraft carrier mentioned in Chapter 20?
(a) Mercury.
(b) Enterprise.
(c) Challenger.
(d) Avenger.

11. Who does Gustad see outside the Tower of Silence?
(a) Ghulam Mohammed.
(b) Laurie Coutino.
(c) Dr. Paymaster.
(d) Mr. Madon.

12. As revealed in Chapter 20, who has had Roshan's doll?
(a) Ghulam Mohammed.
(b) Tehmul.
(c) Mr. Rabadi's daughter.
(d) Mrs. Pataskia's baby girl.

13. Who does Gustad send to get Dr. Paymaster in Chapter 22?
(a) Malcolm.
(b) Ghulam Mohammed.
(c) Sohrab.
(d) Darius.

14. What is Tehmul looking for at night in the compound in Chapter 20?
(a) A coin.
(b) The doll's bracelet.
(c) A flashlight.
(d) His key.

15. What do the nassasalers carry during the funeral procession?
(a) The funeral bier.
(b) Oil and incense.
(c) Boxes of tissues.
(d) Flowers.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the march pauses in front of the wall of sacred paintings in Chapter 22, who is the only person venerating Zarathustra?

2. What character is crying at the end of Chapter 13?

3. At the end of Chapter 16, what time does Gustad arrive home?

4. Who leads the group that plans to tear down the black stone wall?

5. What is the name of Dinshawji's nephew?

(see the answer keys)

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