Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Such a Long Journey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Gustad's chicken live?
(a) In a wicker basket.
(b) With Tehmul.
(c) In a pen outside.
(d) In the bathroom.

2. As mentioned in Chapter 5, what play does young Sohrab direct in the Khodadad Building?
(a) Hamlet.
(b) King Lear.
(c) Macbeth.
(d) Othello.

3. What is the oldest business in Dr. Paymaster's neighborhood?
(a) The cinema.
(b) House of Cages.
(c) The supermarket.
(d) The pharmacist.

4. With what does Gustad threaten to beat Sohrab in Chapter 4?
(a) A belt.
(b) A switch.
(c) His fists.
(d) A yardstick.

5. What artistic medium is the pavement artist using in Chapter 10?
(a) Charcoal.
(b) Chalk pastels.
(c) Crayons.
(d) Oil paints.

6. According to Gustad's memories in Chapter 4, what are he and young Sohrab going to eat at K. Rustom & Co.?
(a) Gelatto.
(b) Waffles.
(c) Pistachio ice cream.
(d) Steak.

7. What do the Nobles feed the chicken?
(a) Insects.
(b) Birdseed.
(c) Rice.
(d) Wheat.

8. Who entertains the group during the lunch hour at the bank?
(a) Laurie Coutino.
(b) Gustad.
(c) Gandoo Raj.
(d) Dinshawji.

9. Who does Gustad receive a letter from in the second part of Chapter 6?
(a) Major Bilimoria.
(b) Malcolm.
(c) His grandfather.
(d) Sister Constance.

10. Where does Gustad buy meat, as did his father before him?
(a) A small farm on the outskirts of the city.
(b) House of Cages.
(c) Crawford Market.
(d) The village square.

11. What does Gustad use to open Major Bilimoria's parcel?
(a) A penknife.
(b) Scissors.
(c) A kitchen knife.
(d) The sharp edge of a key.

12. As mentioned in Chapter 5, what is "the one constant" throughout the marriage of Gustad and Dilnavaz?
(a) A note in Gustad's lunchbox.
(b) A kiss as Gustad leaves for work.
(c) A clean bedroom.
(d) A celebration of their anniversary at their favorite restaurant.

13. What is the name of Mr. Rabadi's dog?
(a) Midnight.
(b) Dimple.
(c) Spot.
(d) Junior.

14. According to Major Bilimoria's letter in Chapter 8, whose advice should Gustad forget?
(a) Iago.
(b) Indira Gandhi.
(c) Ghulam Mohammed.
(d) Macbeth.

15. What is Gustad's father's profession?
(a) Professor.
(b) Carpet layer.
(c) Bookseller.
(d) Roofer.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Mr. Madon mentions in Chapter 7, how much time does Gustad take off work directly after his accident?

2. Where do the proceeds from the raffle go?

3. In Chapter 9, Part 3, what is filling the compound when Gustad wakes up in the morning?

4. What is Gustad waiting expectantly for at the beginning of Chapter 6?

5. How much does Madhiwalla Bonesetter charge for his services?

(see the answer keys)

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