Such a Fun Age Test | Final Test - Easy

Kiley Reid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Such a Fun Age Test | Final Test - Easy

Kiley Reid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does everyone think Kelley leaked Emira's video?
(a) He posted it to Instagram.
(b) There is still a copy on his phone.
(c) He told Emira he posted it.
(d) He posted it to Facebook.

2. What does Shaunie suggest for Emira to take over from her?
(a) Her old job.
(b) Her apartment.
(c) Her laundromat business.
(d) Her car.

3. Why is Emira reluctant to go out with her friends in Chapter 10?
(a) She actually has to work late at the Chamberlain house.
(b) She is tired and nearly broke.
(c) She has pain from an injury.
(d) She made plans with Kelley instead.

4. What does Tamra do to try to help Alix at the end of Chapter 19?
(a) Writes to a woman she knows to try to get Alix a job facilitating classes at the New School.
(b) Tries to get Alix to come and work in the city all week again.
(c) Says she can get Alix into a good graduate program.
(d) Says she can get Alix's children into her exclusive private school.

5. Who does Alix have breakfast with on Friday morning in Chapter 19?
(a) Jodi and Tamra.
(b) Tamra, Jodi, and Rachel.
(c) Rachel, Jodi, and Emira.
(d) Rachel and Jodi.

6. Which of the following does Kelley say to Alix that Alix thinks is very rude in Chapter 13?
(a) You are nothing like what you were like in high school.
(b) I see nothing has changed for you either.
(c) Emira can not work for you any more.
(d) How can I stay here?

7. What does Kelley text Emira at the end of Chapter 14?
(a) I don't want to be here anymore.
(b) I can not eat dinner here.
(c) I have to break up with you.
(d) I am leaving.

8. What interview does Emira have coming up?
(a) A movie theater attendant.
(b) A typist for the Democratic party.
(c) A waitress at the tea house.
(d) A daycare managing position at a gym.

9. What do Briar and Emira do on Tuesday in Chapter 20?
(a) Go sledding.
(b) Go to the firehouse for a tour.
(c) Go to a treehouse for a tour.
(d) Go to the movies.

10. Who takes Kelley's phone forcibly from him?
(a) Emira.
(b) Tamra.
(c) Zara.
(d) Shaunie.

11. How does Emira label Kelley in her phone at the end of her birthday night?
(a) Zero.
(b) Bum.
(c) Jerk.
(d) Don't Answer.

12. What does Alix ask Laney in the end of Chapter 22?
(a) If she can give Peter a raise.
(b) If she can watch the children for a while.
(c) If she can keep a secret.
(d) If she can pull some strings.

13. What does Alix hear in Chapter 21 that stops her heart out of fear?
(a) Catherine in her crib, meaning Alix left the baby alone in the house without realizing it.
(b) A car crash outside.
(c) Briar screaming.
(d) A glass shattering upstairs.

14. How does Peter say he and Alix met?
(a) At college.
(b) At a business meeting.
(c) Through friends.
(d) At a bar.

15. What does Tamra advise Alix to do regarding Emira in Chapter 19?
(a) Give Emira a raise.
(b) Try to persuade Emira to go to graduate school.
(c) Try to persuade Emira that Kelley is not a good match for her.
(d) Leak the video of Emira to the press.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Alix think Emira and Kelley met?

2. Why is Alix's editor upset?

3. What is the name of Briar's goldfish that died?

4. What does Alix think that New York City is like in Chapter 21?

5. What does Alix say when she sees Kelley for the first time in Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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