Subterranean Test | Final Test - Medium

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Subterranean Test | Final Test - Medium

James Rollins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Khalid do to further teach Linda obedience?
(a) Shoots her in the hand.
(b) Beats her.
(c) Puts a bomb on Jason.
(d) Takes her clothing.

2. In chapter twenty-seven, what does Harry say about the mimi'swee leader, Bo'rada?
(a) He is a handsome man.
(b) He is tolerated but not respected.
(c) He is well thought out and smart, but power hungry.
(d) He is only a figurehead with no power.

3. What does Ashley whisper to Ben after he, Harry, and the other hunters have already ascended up the passageway in chapter thirty?
(a) I will marry you.
(b) You owe me dinner.
(c) I love you.
(d) I'll wait on you.

4. What does Ben answer when Harry asks if they should look for Linda before getting Jason to safety?
(a) He thinks Linda is already dead.
(b) Give the search 30 minutes, then leave.
(c) No, it is too dangerous.
(d) See if they can defuse the bombs before looking for her.

5. What does Mo'amba want Ben to do as he explains it in chapter twenty-four?
(a) Help them heal their illness.
(b) Take them to a new home.
(c) Kill the Cra'kan.
(d) Take Mo'amba's place in the tribe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ashley make Ben promise to do before he leaves for the main base in chapter twenty-nine?

2. What had Jason not thought about happening in chapter thirty-three when he is trying to find a way to get Ben's attention?

3. What has Ashley been doing in chapter thirty-four to keep herself busy?

4. When Ben makes his second heri'huti contact with Nob'cobi what background does Ben choose?

5. What does Khalid think when he first sees Dr. Blakely laying hurt on the rocks in chapter twenty-three after they have just been reunited?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter twenty-six, what do Mo'amba and Ben discuss when they connect in Ben's dream?

2. How does Mo'amba explain that the newcomers are to blame for the death of the fungi?

3. Describe the interaction between Ben and Ashley as he is leaving.

4. What happens in chapter thirty-seven when Khalid and Linda walk near Blakely's office.

5. What does Ben find when he first reaches Blakely's office in chapter thirty-three?

6. Describe Mo'amba's argument on the behalf of Ashley and Ben in chapter twenty-seven.

7. Describe the exchange between Khalid and Blakely in chapter twenty-three when Blakely begins telling them about the main base being attacked.

8. When Ben and Ashley arrive at Alpha Base in chapter thirty-seven what does Harry explain happened?

9. What happens to Michaelson after he falls asleep in the hole in chapter twenty-two?

10. What does Ben explain to Ashley about the other five caves that they did not go into after the ceremony is over?

(see the answer keys)

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