Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Final Test - Medium

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Final Test - Medium

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hebdige define as "a systemic, material language in which objects can be combined in infinite ways to produce meaning"?
(a) Traditions.
(b) Science of the concrete.
(c) Subculture.
(d) Aesthetic.

2. With regard to music, Punks prefer which of the following rather than technique?
(a) Desire to master technique.
(b) Enjoyment.
(c) Chaos.
(d) Acceptance.

3. With regard to working class aesthetics, which of the following subcultures did the Punks offend?
(a) 70's Teddy Boys.
(b) Reggae.
(c) 50's Teddy Boys.
(d) Rastafarians.

4. The mass culture is associated with several aesthetics. According to Hebdige, which is an example?
(a) Attractiveness.
(b) Music.
(c) Food.
(d) Writings.

5. Punks are known for embracing which of the following?
(a) Strong tie to Britain's history.
(b) Ganja.
(c) Sexual puritanism.
(d) Peace and harmony.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hebdige say about Punk's cultural rebellion after commodification takes place?

2. In Chapter 6, how does Hebdige describe the idea of subcultures?

3. Which of the following is defined as "presenting a single, coherent identity"?

4. Of the following, what specific item does Hebdige say transforms meaning when used by a subculture as opposed to the mass culture?

5. What does Hebdige say about the Punkers' style of dressing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Hebdige believe recognizing style solely as an art within itself is the most accurate way of seeing it?

2. In what way does Hebdige describe style as being cyclical?

3. What does Hebdige say about the straightforward style?

4. How does Hebdige say the mass culture uses style?

5. What does Hebdige say the general public's understanding of a subculture leads to?

6. In your opinion, what is the overall message that Hebdige gets across by writing this book?

7. What conclusion does Hebdige finally come to about style?

8. How does Hebdige say subcultures use style?

9. What factor of the white culture does George Jackson believe is an example of injustice to the black culture?

10. At what point in the book did Hebdige come to his conclusion about style?

(see the answer keys)

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