Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Final Test - Medium

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Final Test - Medium

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of the book, who does Hebdige ultimately agree with in terms of style?
(a) Genet.
(b) Barthes.
(c) George Jackson.
(d) T.S. Eliot.

2. Hebdige begins the book by citing the ideas of what author?
(a) Genet.
(b) T.S. Eliot.
(c) George Jackson.
(d) Barthes.

3. In which of the following ways, do Punks communicate language?
(a) Plain speech.
(b) Slang.
(c) Singsong.
(d) Speaking in parables.

4. Hebdige says that Genet transformed from individual into what?
(a) Spirit.
(b) Group.
(c) Realm of revolution.
(d) Brotherhood.

5. What is the media's purpose of depicting Punkers as "good kids"?
(a) To persuade them to change their ways since the masses like that depiction.
(b) To lessen the subculture's credibility.
(c) To show that the definition of being a Punker is being a positive person.
(d) To create harmony between them and other subcultures.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hebdige says supply directly affects which of the following?

2. There is the assumption that if one Punk engages in violent behavior, the entire Punk subculture is labeled as a violent group. According to Hebdige, what entity reinforces this assumption?

3. In Chapter 8, What does Hebdige say about subcultures?

4. What happens to style when it is no longer associated with a subculture?

5. What does Hebdige say style articulates between the dominant culture and subcultures?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Hebdige, what is considered cultural "noise"? What does it mean?

2. After leaving a subculture, what is the difference between the cultural options for blacks and whites according to Hebdige?

3. In what way does Hebdige describe style as being cyclical?

4. According to Hebdige, what are the two methods used to understand subcultures?

5. What does Hebdige say the general public's understanding of a subculture leads to?

6. According to Hebdige, how do Punkers affect mass media?

7. How does Hebdige feel about the relationship of a common object's intended use and its actual use?

8. Who does Hebdige say has a major affect on defining subcultures to the public?

9. In terms of its relation to the subculture, what does Hebdige say happens to the object's meaning once it goes back to the dominant culture?

10. What is Hebdige's thought on Skinheads and how they portray a masculine outlook?

(see the answer keys)

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