Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Subculture, the Meaning of Style Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dick Hebdige
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of the Reggae subculture, Hebdige says it has strong, cultural what?
(a) Discourse.
(b) Rebellion.
(c) Enemies.
(d) Ideas.

2. Hebdige's Subculture is which of the following approaches to understanding the styles of Britain's youth cultures?
(a) Post-structuralist.
(b) Structuralist.
(c) Deconstructuralist.
(d) Historical.

3. In Chapter 4, what does Hebdige say about black and white subcultures and how they got the ideas for their subcultures?
(a) White subcultures got their foundational ideas from the mass culture, and black subcultures followed suit.
(b) White subcultures got many of their ideas for the foundation of their subcultures from black subcultures.
(c) Black and white subcultures worked together to gather ideas for the foundations of their subcultures.
(d) Black subcultures got many of their ideas for the foundation of their subcultures from white subcultures.

4. What sparked the punk movement?
(a) WWI.
(b) WWII.
(c) The London heat wave.
(d) The Vietnam conflict.

5. According to the Rastafarians, which of the following is considered a blessing?
(a) Riches.
(b) Family.
(c) Education.
(d) Poverty.

6. What does Hebdige say about SOME aspects of youth culture with respect to the parent culture?
(a) There is no such thing as a youth culture and parent culture. Both the youth and parent exercise the traditions of one, the same culture.
(b) All youth culture reflects parent culture.
(c) They no way reflect the parent culture.
(d) Parent culture reflects youth culture, not the other way around.

7. How does Hebdige define style?
(a) An aesthetic nonconformity.
(b) The norm.
(c) A way of life.
(d) A personal choice.

8. The Teddy Boys of the 70's are a symbol of what?
(a) The decline of Britain.
(b) The traditions of Britain.
(c) The plight of the working class in America.
(d) The black culture.

9. According to Hebdige, there is a disconnect between black sound and what?
(a) The mass culture.
(b) Black culture.
(c) White people.
(d) Other subcultures.

10. What period in history does Hebdige focus on?
(a) Edwardian era.
(b) Pre-war Britain.
(c) Post-war Britain.
(d) Britain during the war.

11. In terms of transforming from childhood to maturity, what is Hebdige not concerned with?
(a) Unfamiliar rites of passage.
(b) Where and when subcultures form.
(c) Familiar rites of passage.
(d) Why subcultures form.

12. To a certain extent, media shapes which of the following?
(a) Perception of social selfishness.
(b) Perception of socioeconomic status.
(c) Perception of social self.
(d) Perception of societal taboos.

13. What type of "rebellion" does Hebdige say subcultures are?
(a) Conscious.
(b) Consensus.
(c) Controlled.
(d) Cultural.

14. Which of the following musical acts is known for occasionally adopting the Jamaican street style?
(a) The Clash.
(b) David Bowie.
(c) The Ramones.
(d) The Who.

15. What does Hebdige say about post-war Britain with regard to mass media and how it defines cultural experience?
(a) "It shares sound and images across race and culture."
(b) It shares truths and sound across age and race."
(c) "It shares sound and images across class and culture."
(d) "It shares images and ideals across age and gender."

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following motivated punk?

2. Chapter 4 speaks about the Glams and their ideal of which of the following?

3. According to Hebdige, which is an underlying influence of the reggae subculture?

4. By their very nature, subcultures do what to the mass culture?

5. Which of the following was one of the first to embrace the Rastafarian style?

(see the answer keys)

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