Stuck in Neutral Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stuck in Neutral Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is referred to as being trapped at Shawn's house all night?
(a) Shawn.
(b) The bird.
(c) Dad.
(d) Vonda.

2. What do the ruffians do to Shawn?
(a) They squirt him with a hose.
(b) They dump him out of his wheelchair.
(c) They stab the tires of his wheelchair.
(d) They burn him.

3. When did Shawn's mother get her nickname?
(a) From his father, before they are married.
(b) From her younger brother, who could not pronounce her name as a child.
(c) From one of Shawn's earliest vocalizations.
(d) From his father, after Paul is born.

4. When his father comes into Shawn's room, perhaps to kill him, how does Shawn feel?
(a) Afraid.
(b) Confused.
(c) Calm.
(d) Happy.

5. Who is going to watch Paul's team in the tournament?
(a) Cindy, Ally, and the rest of her friends.
(b) Mom and Cindy.
(c) Mom, Cindy, and Cindy's friends.
(d) Paul's friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Shawn, what is a fancy name for babysitting?

2. In the dream in Chapter 14, where does Shawn hide?

3. In the chaos of packing to drive to Spokane, who tries to kiss Shawn's forehead?

4. After the fight, who tells the strangers that they need to leave the yard?

5. According to the interview of Earl Detraux on the Alice Ponds Show, what is his quality of life like currently?

Short Essay Questions

1. The morning after Ally spends the night, why does Shawn think that something is wrong?

2. What is apparent about the relationship between Paul and his father after Paul finds out that his father wants him to go on the Alice Ponds show?

3. Which characters are going to Spokane in chapter 13 and why is it significant that they are going?

4. On The Alice Ponds Show, there is a clip of an interview between Sydney McDaniel and Earl Detraux. What does Earl Detraux look like and what is his demeanor?

5. If Shawn has never been to his father's house, does Shawn have an accurate knowledge of what his father's bedroom looks like, and if so, how does he know?

6. After he sees his father's appearance on The Alice Ponds Show, why does Shawn say that he is floating in an ocean of negativity?

7. How does Shawn describe the African animal mobile that hangs over his bed, and why does he describe it in this manner?

8. In Chapter 14, Shawn dreams that his father sees angels. What is the significance of the angels?

9. Paul and Cindy discuss their father's appearance on The Alice Ponds Show. What do they think about what their father says on the show?

10. While Shawn has a doozy of a seizure during the end of the Alice Ponds show, what does he experience?

(see the answer keys)

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