Stuck in Neutral Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stuck in Neutral Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6 Shawn describes his seizures as being like what?
(a) A dream.
(b) A nightmare.
(c) A miracle.
(d) An adventure movie.

2. What does Dad think the crow might do to Shawn?
(a) Give him lice.
(b) Infect him with disease.
(c) Peck his eyes out.
(d) Leave droppings on his clothes.

3. Why does Shawn get confused about some aspects and experiences of life?
(a) Because his brain injury causes hallucinations sometimes.
(b) Because he cannot turn his head voluntarily.
(c) Because his family shelters him intentionally.
(d) Because hearing about things is not as informative as experiencing things yourself.

4. At what location does the premiere reading of the poem that was written about Shawn take place?
(a) The Kendell mansion.
(b) The White House.
(c) The Seattle Center for the Arts.
(d) The Trolley Museum.

5. What does Shawn's father always do to Shawn when he comes to visit?
(a) Reads the first stanza of the award-winning poem.
(b) Bends his thumbs backward.
(c) Brings a vanilla cookie.
(d) Makes Shawn sit up straighter in his wheelchair.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long ago was the premiere reading of the poem that was written about Shawn?

2. What happens when Shawn awakens from a seizure?

3. How does Shawn's mother describe Sydney to Connie?

4. In the stanza of the poem that opens Chapter 8, what is the main question being asked?

5. In Chapter 8, what idea is more confusing to Shawn because he knows that his father loves him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Shawn describe the first signs that he will have a seizure?

2. Describe what the special education class at Shoreline High School is like according to Shawn, and how the students behave.

3. How does seeing the death of the dog make Shawn feel?

4. What does Shawn consider ironic about his actual intelligence and the assumed level of his intelligence within his class at school?

5. What kinds of things is Shawn able to remember using his gift?

6. How does Sydney McDaniel support his argument that schools waste money educating the ineducable?

7. According to Shawn, who is the Shawn in the poem written by his father?

8. What does Cindy do when the dog is hit by a car?

9. How does Shawn describe the tests administered by the school psychologist?

10. What does the encounter with the crow reveal to Shawn's father, and what thought occurs to him?

(see the answer keys)

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