A Streetcar Named Desire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Streetcar Named Desire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Blanche took a streetcar named Desire, what was the next car she needed to take?
(a) Cemeteries
(b) Elysian
(c) Longing
(d) Lust

2. Blanche begs Stella, "Don't hang back with the __________!"
(a) Apes
(b) Loonies
(c) Brutes
(d) Commoners

3. What does Stella ask Stanley to do for Blanche?
(a) Compliment her
(b) Buy her more liquor
(c) Take her out
(d) Let her use their phone

4. Where does Stanley go to get a drink?
(a) Wild Hearts
(b) Blue Room
(c) Four Deuces
(d) Village City

5. What is Blanche wearing when she steps out of her bath?
(a) Nothing
(b) A red satin robe
(c) A black coat
(d) A white chemise

6. In what city does the story take place?
(a) Laurel
(b) Chicago
(c) New Orleans
(d) Birmingham

7. What does Blanche ask Stella for in order to calm her nerves?
(a) A glass of water
(b) A pill
(c) A cigarette
(d) A drink

8. Who comes to the apartment after Stella leaves for the bar?
(a) A doctor
(b) A police officer
(c) A peddler
(d) A teenage boy

9. Who calls Stanley a drunk animal thing?
(a) Mitch
(b) Eunice
(c) Blanche
(d) Stella

10. What does Blanche do in order to prepare for her night out with Stella?
(a) Paints her nails
(b) Takes a bath
(c) Uses a mud mask
(d) Calls an old beau to meet them

11. What does Blanche do that annoys Stanley?
(a) Flirts with the men
(b) Tells him to stop playing
(c) Drinks his beer
(d) Turns on the radio

12. To what does Blanche compare her sister's desire?
(a) A train
(b) A runaway horse
(c) A candle
(d) A streetcar

13. Where does Blanche send Stella in order to get some privacy with Stanley?
(a) Upstairs
(b) To the bathroom
(c) To the drugstore
(d) To the bar

14. Where are Stella and Blanche planning to go together?
(a) A club down the road
(b) Atlanta
(c) French Quarter
(d) A local bar

15. What does Blanche squirt onto Stanley, trying to flirt with him?
(a) Rose essence
(b) Jasmine perfume
(c) Oil
(d) Vanilla extract

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is sitting outside with Eunice when Blanche arrives?

2. What does Stanley fear Blanche has done with Belle Reve?

3. What does Mitch bring when he arrives at the door?

4. Who threatens to call the police if her husband hits her?

5. Why does Blanche think Mitch will lose interest in her?

(see the answer keys)

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