The Street Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Street Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jones decide when he sees Lutie's look of triumph as she enters the apartment building after singing at The Casino?

2. How did white people treat Boots before he began working for Junto?

3. What does Jones believe will make him "go to pieces"?

4. According to Min, how does last winter's sky compare to this winter's sky?

5. What prompts Lutie to recognize the dirt and grime in her apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Junto refusal to fight in the war?

2. In Chapter 16, Bub is taken into custody by the post-office investigators. How does this fact impact Lutie's feelings about The Street?

3. Jones is under the impression that Lutie would not have reacted so negatively to his advances if Min had not let the dog out. Is this an accurate assumption on Jones' part? Explain.

4. It is both Lutie's presence and her absence that allows Jones to get a hold of Bub. Explain how this is possible.

5. Why does Jones think that Min is standing between him and Lutie? Is this assumption reasonable? Explain.

6. In Chapter 13, Lutie is yet again propositioned. She's presented with the opportunity to receive free singing lessons if she'd just allow Mr. Crosse to see her a couple of times a week. Lutie refuses. What drives Lutie's determination not to exchange her body for personal advancement?

7. Describe Jones' inability to own any responsibility for the nature of his relationship with Lutie.

8. What likely explains Lutie's decision to stop discussing money with Bub (made in Chapter 13)?

9. Chapter 18 ends tragically when Lutie repeatedly strikes Boots in the head with a candlestick. What does the author intend for Boots to represent? Why does Lutie feel compelled to strike him so many times?

10. Though Min has left Jones at the end of Chapter 15, she still has thoughts of her inadequacy. What does her insinuating conversation with the pushcart man lead the reader to believe?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Up until the novel's end, Lutie can be heralded as a virtuous character. Then, she kills Boots. In an essay, chart Lutie's decline and go further to explain it. What is the author's message in the demise of her main and moral character?

Essay Topic 2

Has Ann Petry written a successful novel? If so, what qualities deem it so? If not, what qualities prevent its success? Support your answer with evidence from the text and your own prior knowledge.

Essay Topic 3

The novel's title - The Street - indicates a sense of generality. The book is not given the name of a specific street. Still, it's clear that The Street is not just ANY street. In an essay, explain the loaded nature of the book's title. Be sure to address the author's decision to assign such a vague name while addressing a specific setting. Use details from the text to support your ideas.

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