The Street Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Street Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Miss Rinner feel about her students and their families?
(a) She can easily identify with them.
(b) She's supportive of their struggles.
(c) She's fond of them.
(d) She's disgusted and scared of them.

2. What does Mrs. Hedges recall when Lutie leaves her apartment?
(a) That she has a dish in the oven.
(b) The fire and her life before it.
(c) The message she was supposed to give Lutie.
(d) That Min is alone in the apartment with Jones.

3. What does Mrs. Hedges tell Jones about Min's whereabouts after Min has been seen with the pushcart man?
(a) She tells him that Min will be back in a while.
(b) She tells him that Min is gone.
(c) She tells him that Min has taken all of his belongings.
(d) She tells him that he was wrong to misuse Min.

4. What does Min decide to do about her miserable life with Jones?
(a) Min decides to leave Jones without telling him anything.
(b) Min decides to have an affair.
(c) Min decides to go see The Prophet, David.
(d) Min decides to try harder to make the relationship work.

5. What conflicting impulses does Lutie experience after hearing Junto's stipulations about the money?
(a) She wants to a hum a tune and kill a man at the same time.
(b) She wants to be with both Junto and Boots.
(c) She wants to laugh and cry at once.
(d) She wants to both run away from and be consoled by Boots.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which statement best describes Jones' conclusion about Lutie?

2. What has Mrs. Hedges determined about her life since the fire?

3. After telling Lutie about Junto's proposition, what instructions does Boots give Junto when asking him to leave the apartment?

4. How does Min describe her lonely bed?

5. How does Lutie respond to Junto's stipulations about the money?

Short Essay Questions

1. Boots hesitates before conceding to Junto's request that Lutie be left alone. What might that slight hesitation suggest?

2. Jones is under the impression that Lutie would not have reacted so negatively to his advances if Min had not let the dog out. Is this an accurate assumption on Jones' part? Explain.

3. Describe the significance of the money Lutie steals from Boots in Chapter 18.

4. Chapter 15 begins with a description of the sky. As Min looks up, she recalls that last year's skies were far more colorful. How does this contrast in the skies' colors reflect Min's life?

5. Why does Jones think that Min is standing between him and Lutie? Is this assumption reasonable? Explain.

6. Jones realizes that Min has left in Chapter 16. He notes how empty his apartment feels and is especially disturbed by the absence of the table. Why is Jones' reaction ironic?

7. Throughout the book, Mrs. Hedges has been painted as a negative personality by both Jones and Lutie. On the other hand, Min and Junto regard her highly. Which perception would the author like the reader to trust?

8. Chapter 18 ends tragically when Lutie repeatedly strikes Boots in the head with a candlestick. What does the author intend for Boots to represent? Why does Lutie feel compelled to strike him so many times?

9. What does Boots' ultimate decision to obey Junto's request to leave Lutie alone say about his character?

10. It is both Lutie's presence and her absence that allows Jones to get a hold of Bub. Explain how this is possible.

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