The Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what conditions does Junto agree to give Lutie the money?
(a) If she agrees to go on a date with Boots.
(b) If she agrees to be nice to Junto.
(c) If she promises to pay it back in a timely fashion.
(d) If she agrees to sing at The Casino for free.

2. What does Jones believe about the cross hanging over Min's bed?
(a) He believes that it is evil.
(b) He believes that it will cause him to die.
(c) He believes that it stands between him and Lutie.
(d) He believes that it is encouraging Min to leave him.

3. What does Mrs. Hedges tell Jones about Min's whereabouts after Min has been seen with the pushcart man?
(a) She tells him that Min is gone.
(b) She tells him that he was wrong to misuse Min.
(c) She tells him that Min has taken all of his belongings.
(d) She tells him that Min will be back in a while.

4. What was Boots' life like before he met Junto?
(a) He was a star athlete.
(b) He was a student at the local college.
(c) He was a homeless piano player who worked for food in places he despised.
(d) He was a member of the United States Army.

5. Which statement best describes Jones' conclusion about Lutie?
(a) That she is in love with a white man and black men are not good enough for her.
(b) That she is not worth all the trouble he's been putting himself through.
(c) That she is too wrapped up in her son.
(d) It is likely that she is secretly in love with him.

6. How do the neighborhood people feel when Bub is taken away by the postal investigators?
(a) They rejoice that the hoodlum is gone.
(b) They experience a sense of loss, a sense of defeat.
(c) They are indifferent to his departure.
(d) They wonder about his fate.

7. Which adjective best describes Boots' apartment building?
(a) Discreet.
(b) Humongous.
(c) Shabby.
(d) Lavish.

8. What leads Bub to tell Jones he's ready to make some extra money?
(a) His need to get away from his mother.
(b) His mother's growing frustration.
(c) His realization that his father is never coming back.
(d) His desire for a new pair of shoes.

9. What does Jones believe will make him "go to pieces"?
(a) He believes he will go to pieces if Lutie refuses to be with him.
(b) He believes he will go to pieces if Mrs. Hedges doesn't let him in her apartment.
(c) He believes he will go to pieces without Min.
(d) He believes he will go to pieces if he continues to see crosses all around him.

10. Why is Lutie infuriated by Mrs. Hedges' mention of the nice white gentleman, Mr. Junto?
(a) Lutie knows that Junto is the reason her singing career did not work out.
(b) Lutie is disgusted by Mrs. Hedges' line of business.
(c) Lutie knows that Junto and Mrs. Hedges are plotting against her.
(d) Lutie hates when Mrs. Hedges tries to make small talk with her.

11. Why does Junto want to see Boots before he leaves the club with Lutie?
(a) Junto wants to tell Boots about an upcoming business venture.
(b) Junto wants to tell Boots to keep his hands off Lutie.
(c) Junto wants to tell Boots about a death in his family.
(d) Junto wants to tell Boots about his upcoming surgery.

12. After telling Lutie about Junto's proposition, what instructions does Boots give Junto when asking him to leave the apartment?
(a) He instructs Junto to wait for Lutie at The Casino.
(b) He instructs Junto to come back around 10:00.
(c) He instructs Junto to forget about Lutie.
(d) He instructs Junto to wait in the car for Lutie.

13. What does Jones conclude about the best way to get to Lutie?
(a) He thinks the best way to get to Lutie is through Bub.
(b) He thinks the best way to get to Lutie is to ignore her.
(c) He thinks the best way to get to Lutie is to have her kicked out of the apartment building.
(d) He thinks the best way to get to Lutie is to ruin her singing career.

14. What prompts Lutie to recognize the dirt and grime in her apartment?
(a) She knew she was having company.
(b) Her hopes of leaving the apartment were crushed by Boots' refusal to pay her.
(c) Her son Bub pointed it out.
(d) All the apartment's lights were on.

15. From what point of view is Chapter 12 written?
(a) From Bub's.
(b) From Jones'.
(c) From Min's.
(d) From the narrator's.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Jones behave with Min after seeing the postman?

2. What does Boots say when Lutie calls him from the payphone?

3. What does Jones ask Min to do for him after seeing the postman?

4. Why wasn't Mrs. Hedges arrested when Jones reported her activities to the police?

5. What has been an effect of Lutie's hysterical fear?

(see the answer keys)

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