The Street Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Street Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lutie allow Boots to stalk her like mere prey when she's completely aware of his intentions?
(a) She plans to rob Boots and is waiting for the perfect opportunity.
(b) She has dreams of being a singer and moving into a nicer home; she believes Boots may be a bridge to this lifestyle.
(c) She is still distraught over the failure of her marriage and hopes Boots can fill that void.
(d) She likes Boots and hopes she will be able to convince him to love her.

2. Which best describes Lutie's fears about Bub's and Lil's relationship?
(a) Lutie fears Bub will develop a taste for the cigarettes and gin Lil gives him.
(b) Lutie fears that Bub will cause her father and Lil to break up.
(c) Lutie fears Bub will not learn to smoke cigarettes properly.
(d) Lutie fears Bub will fall in love with Lil.

3. How does Min explain the vial of scarlet liquid to Jones?
(a) She says that it is nail polish remover.
(b) She says that she's never seen it before.
(c) She says that it is heart medicine.
(d) She says that it's a supplement from the root doctor.

4. How did Mrs. Hedges meet Junto?
(a) Mrs. Hedges met Junto when she was scrounging for food and clothing after the fire.
(b) Mrs. Hedges met Junto when he asked her about the services she provided.
(c) Mrs. Hedges met Junto when she decided to apply for a job at The Casino.
(d) Mrs. Hedges met Junto through her dead father.

5. How was Mrs. Hedges affected by the fire?
(a) She began having nightmares after her close friend died in the fire.
(b) She vowed never to live alone again.
(c) She was badly scarred.
(d) She became deathly afraid of fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jones conclude about the best way to get to Lutie?

2. Why is Jones angry with Min after his encounter with Lutie and Mrs. Hedges?

3. How do the orchestra members react to Lutie when Boots introduces her?

4. How does Lutie feel about Mrs. Chandler?

5. Upon seeing the postman, what plan does Jones concoct?

(see the answer key)

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