The Street Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Street Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bub feel about being slapped by Lutie?
(a) He is embarrassed and secretly mocks his mother.
(b) He is understanding of Lutie's reaction.
(c) He's upset and thinks Lutie is preventing him from earning a little extra money.
(d) He seems unphased as Lutie hits him often.

2. Why does Min's visit to David go so well?
(a) She enjoys the smell of the root doctor's dwellings.
(b) She thinks David is very handsome and asks him on a date.
(c) She has never had anyone to really listen to her and David does this.
(d) She is able to rest her feet.

3. What does Lutie fantasize about while standing outside the super's apartment?
(a) Lutie fantasizes about Bub getting into trouble inside the apartment building.
(b) Lutie fantasizes about cots in the hallway to accommodate more renters and about the woman in the window being a snake charmer.
(c) Lutie fantasizes about running out of the apartment building and finding a better place to live.
(d) Lutie fantasizes about the appearance of the superintendent--she imagines him being extremely tall and gruesome looking.

4. What type of peace offering does Lutie offer Bub after slapping him?
(a) Lutie scrapes together the money for him to go to a movie and sends him on his way.
(b) Lutie allows Bub to stay up past his bedtime.
(c) Lutie promises to buy Bub a new pair of shoes.
(d) Lutie makes Bub a big dinner.

5. What does Jones see in the bedroom that stops him in his tracks?
(a) He sees the window ajar and Min throwing things through it.
(b) He sees Min with a knife in her hand.
(c) He sees a cross hanging on the bed.
(d) He sees the dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Granny, how do the meats in the butcher shop keep their fresh color?

2. How does Mrs. Hedges respond to Min's attempt to leave her some money?

3. What type of business does Mrs. Hedges run?

4. What does the author reveal about Min in chapter 5 that was previously unknown?

5. What does Lutie ask of Mrs. Pizzini?

(see the answer key)

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