Streamers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Streamers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Richie finish the following statement: "cleanliness is ....."?
(a) Nakedness.
(b) Godliness.
(c) Homosexuality.
(d) Releasing.

2. What does Roger get caught looking at in Richie's footlocker?
(a) A pin-up girl's picture.
(b) A wallet.
(c) A letter from the Army.
(d) A picture of a naked man.

3. Why does Richie think that Roger would understand problems associated with being homosexual?
(a) Because Roger has secrets comparable to hiding one's sexual orientation.
(b) Because Roger's brother is homosexual, and Roger should be understanding.
(c) Because Richie states that blacks are supposed to be understanding about human struggles.
(d) Because Richie believes that Roger is a homosexual and just not telling anyone.

4. After Richie leaves to take a shower, what do Billy and Roger decide to do?
(a) Go shower.
(b) Look at a Playboy.
(c) Go find Martin.
(d) Mop and buff the floor.

5. When discussing the war with Richie, who does Roger claim everyone is saying is the new "Hitler"?
(a) Ho Chi Minh.
(b) L.B.J.
(c) The president.
(d) Billy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Richie's sexual orientation?

2. How did Martin and Richie come to be in the military?

3. According to the stage directions, how many lights hang at the center of the ceiling?

4. What character tries to slit his wrists in a suicide attempt?

5. When talking about their pasts, what does Billy say his friend, Richie, did to his girlfriend one night?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Roger mean when he says to Billy, "every black man in the world ain't like me"?

2. What does Roger tell Billy he "better learn"?

3. What is the underlying fear that all of the men share? (Billy, Roger, Richie, and Carlyle)

4. What happened when Billy was sixteen that made him want to become a priest?

5. Why does Carlyle get angry at Billy and Roger for keeping him and Richie apart?

6. Rooney makes a huge show about Cokes's boots. What makes Cokes's boots special?

7. What does Roger mean by the statement he makes regarding white men and Coppertone?

8. Why does Billy have such a hard time with the sexual relationship that Carlyle and Richie are alluding to happening in the bunk house and not somewhere else?

9. Explain the sexual innuendos that Richie makes regarding Billy and Roger's workout.

10. What does "standing tall" mean to the men in the bunk room?

(see the answer keys)

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