Streamers Test | Final Test - Easy

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Streamers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the discussion about Frankie, Billy tells Richie that there is a new theory regarding homosexuality. What is the new theory?
(a) That it only happens to boys who grow up without fathers.
(b) Genetics.
(c) That it is from drinking the water in New York.
(d) That is is nurture, not nature.

2. What does Roger say will help Billy become tougher?
(a) Becoming an S.P.
(b) Becoming a bouncer.
(c) Boxing.
(d) Learning a "fall-away" jumper.

3. After Billy and Roger leave to go play basketball, what does Richie to to Billy's bed?
(a) Pulls all of the sheets off.
(b) Climbs in naked and rubs himself all over the sheets.
(c) Tears up the Playboy and throws the pieces all over his bed.
(d) Sprays cologne all over it.

4. When Billy and Roger first met, why did Roger keep talking to Billy?
(a) Because they found out that they grew up together.
(b) Because he had a crush on Billy.
(c) Because Billy talked back.
(d) Because Billy was the only other black man.

5. How old was Billy when he decided what he wanted to do as a profession when he grew up?
(a) 8.
(b) 10.
(c) 15.
(d) 16.

6. How much money does Richie loan Carlyle?
(a) $15.
(b) $10.
(c) $5.
(d) $20.

7. Why does Carlyle say he doesn't like "nobody's voice but my own"?
(a) He thinks everyone talks bad about him.
(b) Everyone bores him.
(c) He thinks everyone is beneath him.
(d) He thinks everyone is gay.

8. What does Carlyle call Roger throughout the play?
(a) Kid.
(b) Newbie.
(c) Ro.
(d) The black boy.

9. As the men are discussing Carlyle before going to town, why does Roger say Carlyle has been acting like he has?
(a) Roger claims Carlyle is homophobic.
(b) Roger claims that Carlyle is an alcoholic.
(c) Roger feels like the whites are always trying to "keep him down."
(d) Roger claims Carlyle is messed up in the head.

10. When Carlyle begins to flirt drunkenly with Richie, what does he do?
(a) Caryle starts rubbing Richie's back.
(b) Carlyle starts kissing Richie.
(c) Carlyle runs is hands through Richie's hair.
(d) Carlyle starts hugging Richie.

11. After coming in from playing basketball, how much money does Roger ask Billy or Richie to loan him?
(a) $20.
(b) $10.
(c) $15.
(d) $5.

12. News regarding Martin has come in. Where is Martin going?
(a) The Army is transferring him to another unit.
(b) The Army is sending him to Vietnam.
(c) The Army is putting him in a mental hospital.
(d) The Army is sending him home.

13. Why does Richie question his own mentality after Billy and Roger leave to play basketball?
(a) He forgot if he took a shower already.
(b) He begins to do push-ups.
(c) He grabs a beer and chugs it.
(d) He starts to bounce a basketball in the room.

14. After calling Richie "Eddie," what does Richie say his friends call him?
(a) Jack.
(b) Bob.
(c) Mary.
(d) Irene.

15. Where is Billy from?
(a) Nebraska.
(b) Kansas.
(c) Illinois.
(d) Wisconsin.

Short Answer Questions

1. While discussing Richie's homosexuality, what does Carlyle claim he can "see" of Billy's?

2. What is Carlyle's job in P Company?

3. What plans about the trip does Richie find disgusting?

4. When Roger tells Richie that he and Billy are exercising, Richie says, "everyone has their own little pet name for it." What is Richie referring to?

5. After Billy tells Carlyle that Richie is not "queer," what does Carlyle claim to want from Richie?

(see the answer keys)

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