Streamers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Streamers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When discussing the war with Richie, who does Roger claim everyone is saying is the new "Hitler"?
(a) The president.
(b) Ho Chi Minh.
(c) Billy.
(d) L.B.J.

2. Which character discusses the attempted suicide with the character who tried to slit his wrists?
(a) Carlyle.
(b) Martin.
(c) Richie.
(d) Billy.

3. How did Billy come to join the Army?
(a) Drafted.
(b) Time off for good behavior from jail.
(c) Part of judges orders.
(d) Enlisted.

4. What object is at the foot of each of the bunks?
(a) A green wooden footlocker.
(b) A mini-stove.
(c) A military backpack.
(d) A black wooden footlocker.

5. As Billy and Roger contemplate Carlyle's enlistment into the Army, why does Billy claim Carlyle is in the Army?
(a) Billy claims it is because of Freedom's Frontier.
(b) Billy claims it is to finally become someone to be proud of.
(c) Billy claims it is a deathwish.
(d) Billy claims it is only because of the court order.

6. At the end of Act 1, what does Richie do to Carlyle to get Billy to yell at him?
(a) Richie kisses Carlyle.
(b) Richie lies down beside Carlyle.
(c) Richie covers up Carlyle and pats his arm.
(d) Richie kicks Carlyle.

7. Why does it seem impossible for Rooney to be competent in his MOS?
(a) His hands shake too much.
(b) His eyesight is bad.
(c) He has had two heart attacks.
(d) He is too easily stressed.

8. What is the one threat (as stated by the stage directions) that all of the men share?
(a) Homosexuals.
(b) Losing a limb.
(c) Death.
(d) The war.

9. What character tries to slit his wrists in a suicide attempt?
(a) Richie.
(b) Carlyle.
(c) Billy.
(d) Martin.

10. How does Richie finish the following statement: "cleanliness is ....."?
(a) Homosexuality.
(b) Godliness.
(c) Nakedness.
(d) Releasing.

11. What does Roger claim will happen to Sarge (Rooney) within one year?
(a) He will blow himself up.
(b) He will drink himself to death.
(c) He will die in action in the war.
(d) He will be dishonorably discharged.

12. Why does Carlyle refuse to get off of the floor and into bed?
(a) Carlyle says he cannot find his bed; it is gone.
(b) Carlyle says he cannot walk because of his broken ankle.
(c) Carlyle is afraid of his bed.
(d) Carlyle is afraid Richie will get into bed with him.

13. Because of O'Flannigan's accident, what song was he unable to sing?
(a) Beautiful Streamers.
(b) Streamers.
(c) Beautiful Screamers.
(d) Screamers.

14. What is Rooney's (L.B.J.) MOS?
(a) Weaponry.
(b) Flight coordinator.
(c) Demolitions.
(d) Medical technician.

15. What does Roger get caught looking at in Richie's footlocker?
(a) A letter from the Army.
(b) A picture of a naked man.
(c) A wallet.
(d) A pin-up girl's picture.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the stage directions, how many lights hang at the center of the ceiling?

2. Who does Billy claim is a beautiful screamer?

3. As Cokes and Rooney are telling the men about their past, what do they say happened to O'Flannigan?

4. According to the stage directions, what color are the shades that cover the lights?

5. Why does Richie believe the suicide attempt was made?

(see the answer keys)

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