Streamers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Streamers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the stage directions, what color are the shades that cover the lights?
(a) Green.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Red.
(d) Blue.

2. How are Cokes's boots different from everyone else's?
(a) Cokes wears jungle boots.
(b) Cokes's boots are brown.
(c) Cokes does not wear boots; he wears dress shoes.
(d) Cokes's boots have a bullet hole in them.

3. How did Billy come to join the Army?
(a) Part of judges orders.
(b) Drafted.
(c) Time off for good behavior from jail.
(d) Enlisted.

4. What does Roger get caught looking at in Richie's footlocker?
(a) A pin-up girl's picture.
(b) A wallet.
(c) A letter from the Army.
(d) A picture of a naked man.

5. While recalling events from his hometown, what does Roger tell the others happened to the man in the phone booth?
(a) He was stabbed and died.
(b) A delivery truck lost control and ran over him.
(c) He was assulted by a homosexual man.
(d) He was killed by gunfire.

6. Why does Roger tell Carlyle that he got such a nice room in the Army?
(a) Because he paid off the bunk officer.
(b) Because of his relationship with the master sergent.
(c) Because he is a Spec 4.
(d) Because of good behavior.

7. Which character discusses the attempted suicide with the character who tried to slit his wrists?
(a) Carlyle.
(b) Richie.
(c) Billy.
(d) Martin.

8. Roger asks Billy if he would rather fight a war in the freezing cold or one where there were "awful ....". Awful what?
(a) Sergeants.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Poisons.
(d) Living quarters.

9. According to the stage directions, what song begins playing at the end of Act 1?
(a) The Star-Spangled Banner.
(b) Taps.
(c) A funeral march.
(d) The National Anthem.

10. How many people from Billy's platoon are going to Vietnam?
(a) Five.
(b) Seven.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

11. What problem does Carlyle have with all of the officers in the Army?
(a) They are all black.
(b) They are all white.
(c) They all come from wealthy families.
(d) They all have college educations.

12. As Richie is discussing the war with Billy and Roger, who does he claim hangs snakes by the tail in dark caves waiting for soldiers to enter and be bitten?
(a) German soldiers.
(b) American soliders in Vietnam.
(c) The Russians.
(d) Vietcong.

13. As Billy, Roger, and Richie are getting finishing up the floors, Roger gets out a radio. What song are they listening to?
(a) "It's Now or Never," by Elvis Presley.
(b) "Solider Boy," by The Shirelles.
(c) "Ruby," by Ray Charles.
(d) "The Twist," by Chubby Checker.

14. After Richie leaves to take a shower, what do Billy and Roger decide to do?
(a) Mop and buff the floor.
(b) Look at a Playboy.
(c) Go find Martin.
(d) Go shower.

15. What character tries to slit his wrists in a suicide attempt?
(a) Billy.
(b) Martin.
(c) Carlyle.
(d) Richie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Richie believe the suicide attempt was made?

2. As Roger is finishing up the mopping, what do Cokes and Rooney carry into the room?

3. Why does Carlyle refuse to get off of the floor and into bed?

4. What is Rooney's (L.B.J.) MOS?

5. In Act 1, where does Richie invite Billy to go?

(see the answer keys)

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