Strategy Test | Final Test - Medium

Basil Liddell Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Strategy Test | Final Test - Medium

Basil Liddell Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What tactic, employed by generals as early as Belisarius, was widely used in World War II?
(a) Entrenchment.
(b) Overwatch.
(c) Human wave attacks.
(d) Overlapping fields of fire.

2. In the author's view, a battle that results in massive casualties and the temporary gain of an objective is best described as which of the following?
(a) A decisive result.
(b) A disaster.
(c) An indirect method.
(d) An indecisive result.

3. In general, what was the state of mobility during World War II?
(a) Only amphibious units were mobile to a high degree.
(b) Most forces were too large to be very mobile.
(c) Only air-supported units were mobile to a high degree.
(d) Many forces were extremely mobile and agile.

4. What should be the main purpose of any attack?
(a) Psychological victory.
(b) Dislocation.
(c) Attacking enemy supplies.
(d) Destroying enemy forces.

5. What is one of the main advantages of a large army?
(a) It can provide for itself.
(b) It cannot be defeated except by an equally large force.
(c) It can easily occupy and hold fortified locations.
(d) It can sustain significant loss of life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Germany's problem in Russia with regards to grand strategy?

2. Which of the following was a factor in limiting the possibilities for strategy on the eastern front?

3. Which of the following does that author state as being his major intention in writing this book?

4. The author argues that the nature of strategy explains which of the following regarding how people change their opinions?

5. What is the purpose of strategy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is a wedge attack, what is it used for and how is it countered?

2. What are the important strategic differences between large and small armies.

3. What was the state of strategy and tactics on the eastern front during the First World War?

4. What is the typical result of careless concentration of forces?

5. What challenge did Germany face in fighting in Russian territory?

6. How does policy relate to national object and military aims?

7. How does the nature and purpose of strategy relate to people's unwillingness to be convinced of a point contrary to their own beliefs?

8. How did Hitler's study of Napoleon negatively influence him?

9. Describe some common tactical movements of the armies of World War II.

10. What were the strengths and vulnerabilities of the Turks and the Arabs during the First World War?

(see the answer keys)

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