Strategy Test | Final Test - Easy

Basil Liddell Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Strategy Test | Final Test - Easy

Basil Liddell Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following historical commanders did NOT enjoy supreme power in both military and political matters, as did Hitler?
(a) Hannibal.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Alexander.
(d) Napoleon.

2. Late in the war, the primary German leader in the east was allowed to employ the indirect method by using what kind of an attack?
(a) A flanking maneuver.
(b) A sea assault on Leningrad.
(c) A psychological attack using propaganda.
(d) An attack against the Vilna-Dvinsk railway.

3. According to the author, how should formations be arranged?
(a) With the best troops handling the most fighting.
(b) In a way that allows for rapid adjustments.
(c) In the way that most confuses the enemy.
(d) According to the design of unit commanders.

4. In the author's view, a battle that results in massive casualties and the temporary gain of an objective is best described as which of the following?
(a) An indecisive result.
(b) A disaster.
(c) An indirect method.
(d) A decisive result.

5. Forces are usually drawn into the "horns of a dilemma" in what way?
(a) For legitimate strategic reasons.
(b) As a result of hot-headed leadership.
(c) Through failures of intelligence and planning.
(d) Through insufficient supply-lines.

6. What bias are generals likely to carry during war councils?
(a) They favor the armies and fronts under their command.
(b) They do not want to use thier own forces in an offensive.
(c) They trust their own superiors rather than the high command.
(d) They are usually concerned about their careers more than victory.

7. Which of the following nations was NOT a major player in the war on the eastern front?
(a) Poland.
(b) Austria.
(c) Russia.
(d) Prussia.

8. How were Arab nations vulnerable during the First World War?
(a) They had no real firearms.
(b) They had almost no communication or chain of command.
(c) Their supplies were extremely limited.
(d) They could not afford much loss of manpower.

9. How successful were the Turks in repelling allied attacks in their region?
(a) They repelled multiple invasions successfully.
(b) They held out only in a few limited areas.
(c) They failed completely to fend off the allies.
(d) Most regions held fast, but a few turned to the allied side.

10. Which of the following was a significant factor in the psychology of generals during World War II?
(a) Their extraordinary need for recognition.
(b) Their education.
(c) Their desire for promotion.
(d) Their national character.

11. How did Hitler's military achievements match up against those of Napoleon's?
(a) He far exceeded Napoleon's accomplishments.
(b) He did not come close to matching Napoleon.
(c) Hitler's accomplishments were very different from Napoleon's.
(d) He matched Napoleon's achievements.

12. In the First World War, what was Italy's diplomatic status?
(a) It was allied with France and England.
(b) It remained neutral, but was invaded by both Austria and France.
(c) It was allied with Austria and Hungary.
(d) It successfully remained neutral throughout the war.

13. During World War II, most maneuvers had the intention of attacking the enemy where?
(a) In their rear area.
(b) In their capital cities.
(c) Along their entire front.
(d) Along their coastlines.

14. Which of the following best defines military strategy?
(a) The combination of military and political means of warfare.
(b) All movements and applications of military forces.
(c) The use of military forces in the field to destroy enemy forces.
(d) The means by which military forces seek policy objectives.

15. Which of the following is true regarding Hitler's preparations and planning?
(a) He wrote and disclosed his plans far ahead of time.
(b) He never made plans ahead of time.
(c) He made countless back-up and contingency plans.
(d) He never recorded his plans.

Short Answer Questions

1. The common and imprecise interpretation of Clausewitz's writings was that victory could achieved by having a majority of which of the following?

2. What is the most essential factor in concentrating forces?

3. What was Napoleon able to accomplish that Hitler could not?

4. Hitler missed an excellent opportunity to wipe out the English army in what region?

5. What historical general is cited as basing his conquests on popular support?

(see the answer keys)

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