Strata Test | Final Test - Hard

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Strata Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When they land on an island after leaving the sailor's people, what does Kin attempt to do?

2. The group discovers a monument of some kind which is somewhat like which real world monument?

3. How did Kin acquire the object she uses to heal the injured locals?

4. What does Marco do with the demon, despite Kin's suggestion?

5. What does Kin take with her from her hiding place?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes the brawl in the Great Hall?

2. What are the man on the flying carpet's real motivations?

3. What do the locals intend to do with Kin, and how is this prevented?

4. What do the explorers come to believe about the machinery of the planet?

5. What happens to Silver as she and the others near the hub?

6. What do Kin and Marco resolve to do until Shand proteins can be found for Silver?

7. What happens to Kin and the others at the end of this section?

8. Whom do Kin and the others meet in the desert? What is the result of this meeting?

9. How is the dumbwaiter destroyed?

10. Why is Kin arrested?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Exploration is a major theme of the novel. Alongside creation, it is presented as one of the defining characteristics of intelligence species. Exploration initiates and ends the story.

Part 1) Outline the importance of exploration in the novel. In what ways does it affect the storyline?

Part 2) Which characters are affected by the drive for exploration? Does it have a positive or negative impact on them?

Part 3) How is the drive for exploration presented as an important feature of intelligent life?

Part 4) How does exploration in this story relate to the concept of creation?

Essay Topic 2

Throughout the novel, the author presents several persons, places, or things that are intended to be direct references to historic or mythical analogues. Many of these references are humorous, but some are intended to provide foreshadowing or other dramatic elements. Research a number of these references for this essay.

Part 1) Explain as many examples of these references as possible. Include a description of the historical or mythical analogue and explain why the person, place, or thing in the book is intentionally constructed to reference it.

Part 2) What purpose do most of these references serve in the novel? Use examples from the book of how these references effect the story.

Part 3) Critically assess whether the use of these references is effective or if it is unnecessary or distracting to the main story.

Essay Topic 3

At the end of the novel, it is revealed that the planet must be managed and maintained by the action of a human operator, the "Disc Master," who controls the machinery of the planet and manages its day to day activity. It is a position of huge responsibility that Kin accepts at the end of the story.

Part 1) Explain who the Disc Master is and why he is necessary for the planet's operation. Why would the planet's creators incorporate this feature into the planet's design?

Part 2) Describe what the Disc Master's usual duties might be on a day to day basis. What unusual types of situations would call for special care?

Part 3) Kin eventually accepts the role of Disc Master. Would this be an easy thing for most people to accept? What qualities would make a person a good candidate for becoming the Disc Master? Will Kin make a good Disc Master?

(see the answer keys)

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