Strata Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Strata Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 152-183.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the explorers hope to find at the center of the planet?
(a) Jago's contacts on the planet.
(b) A control room and the Builders.
(c) Machinery to repair their spacecraft.
(d) The Spindle Kings.

2. What is unusual about the ship that Jago has arranged for the expedition?
(a) It can't leave the atmosphere on its own.
(b) It is bright pink.
(c) It uses enormous solar sails.
(d) It is shaped like a doughnut.

3. What destroys the dumbwaiter?
(a) A mob of religious locals.
(b) A sudden landslide.
(c) An artificial bolt of lightning.
(d) Marco destroys it in anger.

4. After they make contact with the sailors and their people, where do the explorers decide to try to head?
(a) Back to the abandoned ship.
(b) To the capital of the region.
(c) To the edge of the planet.
(d) To the center of the flat planet.

5. What happens when Silver regains consciousness for the first time within the dome?
(a) She attacks Kin.
(b) She breaks through a wall of the dome.
(c) She regains her senses unexpectedly.
(d) She attacks Marco.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Kin and Silver conclude about the raven?

2. What does Kin initially like about Silver?

3. How is Kin able to communicate remotely with Silver?

4. Marco's mother underwent treatments before his birth to alter him in what way?

5. What is Kin Arad's job?

(see the answer key)

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