The Stranger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stranger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is true about how Meursault has handled prison conditions?
(a) He has lost himself.
(b) He has remained stubborn.
(c) He has adapted.
(d) He has grown accustomed to the dark.

2. What has Meursault's attorney told him about the trial?
(a) It should be relatively brief.
(b) It will be canceled.
(c) It will take several weeks.
(d) It is expected to be record breaking.

3. How does Meursault react to his friends in the courtroom?
(a) He doesn't acknowledge them.
(b) He waves at them.
(c) He hugs each of them.
(d) He doesn't notice them.

4. During the magistrate's questioning, what does Meursault remember about the day of the murder?
(a) Waking up covered in blood.
(b) Shooting the Arab.
(c) The hot sun on his back.
(d) Being blinded.

5. When does prison seem most harsh to Meursault?
(a) During the afternoon.
(b) At night.
(c) In the morning.
(d) In the evening.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Meursault notice about the jury and pressmen in the courtroom?

2. How does imprisonment and interrogation change Meursault's belief in God?

3. When Meursault tells the guard about the things that he misses, what does the guard say?

4. Who officially determines Meursault's fate?

5. Who reads the witness list in the courtroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Meursault's feelings about God and repentance compare to other people in his situation?

2. What question does the magistrate ask Meursault in which he is not satisfied with the response?

3. When Meursault's attorney first arrives, what does he notice about Meursault and how does this affect him?

4. What do Meursault, Marie, and Raymond spend the morning doing after arriving at the beach house?

5. Whose testimony is last and how does this testimony go?

6. When does the local magistrate first interview Meursault and in what is he most interested?

7. Describe Meursault's realization about punishment.

8. What is Meursault's mindset by the time Marie comes to visit him and why?

9. Describe the events surrounding Meursault's killing of the Arab.

10. Who does Meursault's attorney talk to and what does he find when he investigates Meursault's background?

(see the answer keys)

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