The Stranger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stranger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Meursault's sentence?
(a) Death by guillotine.
(b) A long prison sentence.
(c) Life in prison.
(d) Death by hanging.

2. What is Meursault's view from his cell?
(a) A dark wall with water dripping down it.
(b) The water and the changing shades of sunlight.
(c) The mountains and darkness.
(d) A small glimpse of the dirt outside the window.

3. On the day of his trial, where does Meursault wait for his trial to begin?
(a) In his cell.
(b) In a holding room.
(c) In the back of the courtroom.
(d) In an alley way.

4. As the trial progresses, what happens to Meursault's level of interest?
(a) He becomes only interested in his fate.
(b) He becomes more interested.
(c) He maintains the same level of interest.
(d) He becomes less interested.

5. Where does Masson take Raymond for the treatment of his cuts on the beach?
(a) To Raymond's house.
(b) To the hospital in town.
(c) To the doctor's house.
(d) To the beach house.

6. After enduring many interrogations, how does Meursault feel about his surroundings?
(a) He longs to escape them.
(b) He misses Marie.
(c) He feels as if he is part of a family.
(d) He is depressed.

7. When Raymond and Meursault return to the beach after Raymond is injured, what does Raymond ask Meursault if he should do?
(a) Shoot the Arabs.
(b) Sleep with Mason's wife.
(c) Move to England.
(d) Go swimming.

8. How long do the interrogations continue as preparations are made for Meursault's case?
(a) 5 days.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 7 weeks.
(d) 11 months.

9. What type of case is to follow Meursault's in court?
(a) Parricide.
(b) Sumptuary.
(c) Theft.
(d) Forgery.

10. How does Meursault react to his friends in the courtroom?
(a) He doesn't notice them.
(b) He hugs each of them.
(c) He waves at them.
(d) He doesn't acknowledge them.

11. What does Salamano say in his testimony?
(a) That Meursault had very few friends.
(b) That Meursault was kind during the disappearance of his dog.
(c) That Meursault was a stoic individual.
(d) That Meursault was an odd soul who lived in the apartments.

12. Who prepares lunch at the beach house?
(a) Masson.
(b) Raymond.
(c) Masson's wife.
(d) Marie.

13. How does Meursault's attorney feel about Meursault's lack of emotion?
(a) Calm.
(b) Perplexed.
(c) Excited.
(d) Angry.

14. What do the women do while the men take a walk after lunch at the beach house?
(a) Go for a walk.
(b) Sit and drink wine.
(c) Take a nap.
(d) Clean the dishes.

15. What does Meursault say when the magistrate asks if he has anything to say in his own defense?
(a) That the sun was the culprit in the shooting.
(b) That he is guilty and should be punished.
(c) That he doesn't know why he is in prison.
(d) That he feels remorse for what he has done.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are Marie and Meursault physically situated when she comes to visit him in prison?

2. With whom does Meursault share a cell?

3. When does the local magistrate question Meursault?

4. In what type of information is the magistrate most interested?

5. When Raymond testifies, for what is he criticized?

(see the answer keys)

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