The Stranger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stranger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Meursault do on the morning after his night with Marie?
(a) Drink scotch.
(b) Walk around town.
(c) Search for Marie.
(d) Smoke cigarettes.

2. About what time does Salamano reminisce with Meursault?
(a) When Meursault's mother lived with him.
(b) When Meursault had a cat.
(c) When Meursault was a single man.
(d) When Meursault and Salamano went to the beach.

3. What offer does Meursault receive and refuse when at the morgue?
(a) The offer to remove the coffin lid.
(b) The offer to bury his mother in England.
(c) The offer to stay with his mother's body.
(d) The offer to sell him a nicer coffin.

4. Who accompanies Raymond to the police station as a witness?
(a) Meursault.
(b) No one.
(c) Salamano.
(d) Marie.

5. How does Meursault react to the people who are visibly grieving his mother's death at the funeral?
(a) He becomes angry at them and yells.
(b) He sympathizes with them.
(c) He does not engage with them.
(d) He asks them to leave.

6. What does Raymond do with the letter to his mistress?
(a) He throws it in the water.
(b) He sends it to his mistress.
(c) He burns it.
(d) He saves it for future use.

7. When Marie asks Meursault whether he loves her the first time, how does he respond?
(a) He admits that he does not.
(b) He lies and says that he does.
(c) He lies and says that he does not.
(d) He admits that he does.

8. How does Meursault end up eating with an odd woman that he doesn't know?
(a) She is a friend of a friend.
(b) He invites her to dinner after meeting her in the street.
(c) She is sent by Marie to watch him.
(d) She seats herself at his table.

9. What is the weather like for the funeral procession?
(a) Intensely hot.
(b) Calm and breezy.
(c) Freezing cold.
(d) Pouring rain.

10. Where does the funeral procession travel?
(a) To the train station.
(b) To the private cemetery behind the nursing home.
(c) To the village cemetery.
(d) To a small plot on family land.

11. Immediately after lunch on his first day back to work, where does Meursault go?
(a) To the park for a walk.
(b) Home to take a nap.
(c) Back to work.
(d) To Marie's place to see if she is home.

12. How does Perez respond to the grief and exhaustion of the funeral procession?
(a) He excuses himself from the funeral.
(b) He remains stoic.
(c) He faints.
(d) He sobs wildly.

13. On the Sunday following Meursault's mother's death, where does he spend the afternoon?
(a) At the beach.
(b) In the funeral home.
(c) In his apartment.
(d) At the cafe.

14. How does the policeman respond to Raymond's verbal abuse when the police come to his home?
(a) By threatening him with a gun.
(b) By pushing him to the ground.
(c) By handcuffing him.
(d) With a slap.

15. Why does Meursault refuse to call the police when the commotion is going on in Raymond's apartment?
(a) Because Meursault does not like policemen.
(b) Because Meursault has warrants out for him.
(c) Because Raymond is his friend.
(d) Because Marie is a fugitive.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the other tenants respond to the commotion in Raymond's apartment?

2. Where do Meursault and Marie spend the night after their day together?

3. On the first day that Meursault returns to work, where does he eat lunch?

4. When Meursault returns to his job, how does he approach the work that has piled up?

5. Before Raymond invites Meursault over for dinner, what is Meursault thinking about eating?

(see the answer keys)

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