Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What agreement did Jubal and Douglas reach?
(a) that Douglas would protect Michael
(b) that Jubal would leave Michael alone
(c) that Douglas would leave Michael alone
(d) that Douglas would be Michael's attorney

2. How does Jubal attempt to contact Secretary Douglas?
(a) through the press
(b) through a judge
(c) through Rev. Foster
(d) through Madame Vesant

3. What does the church say about Bishop Digby?
(a) he's a demi-God
(b) he's on a trip to Europe
(c) he's an angel
(d) he's been promoted

4. What idea from Mike about religion does Patty eventually accept?
(a) that we are all God
(b) that there is no God
(c) that religion is bad
(d) that religion has changed the world

5. What does Michael do when a police officer attempts to arrest anyone?
(a) he makes the officer float in the air
(b) he takes away the officer's gun
(c) he makes the officer disappear
(d) he does nothing

Short Answer Questions

1. For what are the bags of mail to Michael checked?

2. What does Jubal notice between his secretaries and Jill?

3. What religion does Michael form?

4. Why did Michael have to learn about money?

5. What does Captain Tromp tell the gathering at the motel?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jubal tell Secretary Douglas about Michael and what does Douglas do with his forces?

2. What does Bishop Digby do at the church service and afterwards and what does Michael do?

3. What do Jill and Michael do when they join a carnival and what happens with that?

4. What does Jubal have Michael do during the Martian anthem and how does Michael address the assembly?

5. What does Michael see on the way to D.C. and how does he respond? What does Jill do with him?

6. What does Duke tell Ben about Michael's church?

7. What does Michael learn about money and what does he do with some of his?

8. What was in the note Douglas sent Jubal during Michael's speech?

9. What does Jubal say about Michael owning Mars?

10. What are some schools Michael attends, what is his job and finally how does he promote himself?

(see the answer keys)

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