Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is guarding Jubal's house?
(a) military police
(b) FBI
(c) Jubal's security
(d) Douglas' special police

2. What does Jubal do to prepare for the meeting?
(a) hires extra security
(b) calls a judge in Washington to attend
(c) teaches Michael not to kill
(d) writes up a plan for Douglas

3. Why did Michael have to learn about money?
(a) there's none on Mars
(b) he wants to give it all away
(c) he needs to understand his investments
(d) he never learned to add

4. Why does Jubal say Michael doesn't own Mars?
(a) because he lives on earth now
(b) because he was too young
(c) because Michael doesn't understand ownership
(d) because it's inhabited

5. What does Jill try to keep from Michael?
(a) marriage proposals
(b) solicitations
(c) pornography
(d) hate letters

6. What language does Jubal feel is the most powerful language on earth?
(a) Chinese
(b) Russian
(c) English
(d) Latin

7. What does Douglas insist on to Jubal?
(a) a meeting with Michael
(b) control of Michael
(c) that Jill and Michael be separated
(d) one hundred million dollars

8. Of what does the Fosterite chuch service consist?
(a) a lot of screaming
(b) contests of will
(c) quiet meditation
(d) music and a snake dance

9. What invitation is extended to Michael by a senator?
(a) to attend a Fosterite service
(b) to visit the Senate
(c) to visit his state
(d) to have dinner with him

10. What is the first school Michael attends on earth?
(a) high school
(b) college
(c) medical school
(d) seminary

11. Who finally agrees to contact Secretary Douglas for Jubal?
(a) Rev. Foster
(b) Madame Vesant
(c) Henry Porter
(d) Mrs. Douglas

12. What does Douglas agree to with Jubal?
(a) to cancel the warrants
(b) to let Michael return to Mars
(c) to turn Michael's money over to Jubal
(d) to leave Michael alone

13. Why is Jubal concerned for Michael?
(a) he is getting more hate mail
(b) he's spending too much money
(c) he's going to be a father
(d) his church project

14. What does Michael finally decide about religion?
(a) that they keep evolution down
(b) that they are all false
(c) that man has a need for them
(d) that they are all the same

15. What does Michael prove when he does time in the military?
(a) violence is never effective against a disciplined person
(b) making people go away is better than shooting them
(c) guns are fun toys
(d) violence is useful

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Michael do when a police officer attempts to arrest anyone?

2. What does Michael ultimately do about the police?

3. How does Michael act when he comes out of dormancy after the night of the church service?

4. What does Michael buy Jubal?

5. What does Jubal do after the police are gone?

(see the answer keys)

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