Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stranger in a Strange Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ben propose to Jill?
(a) going to Mars
(b) marriage
(c) pooling their money
(d) an alliance

2. Who shows up at Jubal's gates with Michael?
(a) Ben
(b) Henry Far
(c) Mrs. Douglas
(d) Jill

3. What was the baby born on Mars named?
(a) Blake M. Souther
(b) Valentine M. Smith
(c) Vincient M. Novak
(d) Carter M. Warner

4. Who is Larry?
(a) Anne's husband
(b) Jill's brother
(c) a carpenter working on the house
(d) a live-in guest of Jubal's

5. Where does Jill meet Ben?
(a) a movie theater
(b) a public landing area
(c) at his office
(d) a restaurant

6. What disgusts Duke about Michael?
(a) that he doesn't speak English well
(b) eating of dead water brothers
(c) that he has killed two people
(d) that he is so frail

7. What does Duke brag about as far as Michael goes?
(a) that he is superior
(b) that he is smarter
(c) that he can beat him up
(d) that he is more spiritual

8. What does most of the Martian art involve?
(a) genetic families
(b) Earth
(c) the fifth planet
(d) the surface of Mars

9. What does Michael call his waterbed?
(a) his nest
(b) his father
(c) his home
(d) his mother

10. Who does Jubal attempt to call?
(a) a justice of the peace
(b) Secretary Douglas
(c) Ben
(d) the media

11. Why does Ben hire a fair witness?
(a) to propose to Jill
(b) to record a conversation at Bethesda Medical Center
(c) to witness Michael's conversation with Jill
(d) to serve a summons to Douglas

12. What might, by Earth standards, Michael own outright?
(a) half the Earth
(b) his parents' ship
(c) Mars
(d) nothing

13. What does Jubal Hershaw write?
(a) popular fiction
(b) medical texts
(c) newspaper column
(d) law books

14. Why does Michael need a water bed when he first comes to earth?
(a) it helps his skin
(b) Mars had little water
(c) he has to move constantly
(d) the stronger gravity

15. Why does Michael have to adjust mentally and emotionally?
(a) he's never heard a human talk
(b) he never knew his mother
(c) he was raised on logic
(d) he's more Martian than human

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jill tell Jubal about Ben?

2. How long did the Martians raise the human baby?

3. Where does Jubal Hershaw live?

4. What happens when Ben demands to see Michael?

5. What causes alarm in one of Michael's observers?

(see the answer keys)

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