Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mel White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mel White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When do Mel and Lyla begin dating?
(a) 1952.
(b) 1960.
(c) 1963.
(d) 1958.

2. What does Mel say did not exist at the time of his attending church camp?
(a) Homosexuality.
(b) Information for young gay boys.
(c) The religious right.
(d) Gay rights.

3. Upon what basis does Mel say homosexuality is attacked today?
(a) Fear of God's punishment.
(b) Gross misinterpretations of Scripture.
(c) Ignorance about why people are homosexual.
(d) Hatred of those who are different.

4. What does Darrel do that made Mel think about the boy obsessively?
(a) Kisses Mel.
(b) Says mean things to Mel.
(c) Touches Mel while they were swimming.
(d) Dances with Mel.

5. What happens to Denny while Mel is still in college?
(a) He goes to Vietnam and is killed.
(b) He dies from complications of an accident.
(c) He drops out of communication with his family.
(d) He kills himself.

6. How does Mel say he appears on the outside in high school?
(a) Happy.
(b) Comical.
(c) Miserable.
(d) Serene.

7. What does White not have the ability to do?
(a) Be celibate as far as sex with men.
(b) Be honest with his wife.
(c) Leave the church.
(d) Be honest with his congregation about his homosexuality.

8. In what is Lyla totally uninterested?
(a) Having children.
(b) Moving away from her home town.
(c) The Bible study group Mel leads.
(d) Dating other men before marrying Mel.

9. Why does Mel blame Dr. Parker?
(a) For trying to cure his homosexuality.
(b) For telling Mel's parents about Mel's homosexuality.
(c) Mel does not blame Dr. Parker.
(d) For Dr. Parker's stance against homosexuality.

10. Who dies ten years after he kisses Mel?
(a) Gordon H.
(b) Mel's best friend in high school.
(c) Mel's second cousin who was gay.
(d) The Roman Catholic priest.

11. Who is Mel's second boyhood male crush?
(a) Johnny B.
(b) Arthur B.
(c) John J.
(d) Steve J.

12. What does Mel's first film concern?
(a) A man who was in a street gang who becomes a Christian.
(b) A woman who was in a street gang who becomes a Christian.
(c) A Christian gay man who changes to become heterosexual.
(d) A Christian survivor of imprisonment during Vietnam.

13. What does Mel pretend when he is younger?
(a) He is adopted.
(b) He is incompetent.
(c) He is sickly.
(d) He likes girls.

14. What does Mel ask of Falwell in a rhetorical question?
(a) If citizens' rights are more important than God's laws.
(b) If Mel can join Falwell's church as an open homosexual.
(c) If Falwell thinks he is the only one to know God's mind.
(d) If Falwell is homosexual.

15. When do Mel and Lyla kiss for the first time?
(a) On Mel's 21st birthday.
(b) After the marriage ceremony of Lyla's sister.
(c) On a small boat.
(d) On Lyla's 21st birthday.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Karl Barth?

2. What does Mel say his relationship to his father is like when Mel is younger?

3. In what religion was Mel raised?

4. For what does Martin Luther King criticize Christian churches?

5. What does the person whom Mel meets at the end of his senior year in high school do when he and Mel are walking to Mel's home one day?

(see the answer keys)

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