Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mel White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mel White
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mel pretend when he is younger?
(a) He is sickly.
(b) He is adopted.
(c) He is incompetent.
(d) He likes girls.

2. What does White not have the ability to do?
(a) Be honest with his wife.
(b) Be celibate as far as sex with men.
(c) Be honest with his congregation about his homosexuality.
(d) Leave the church.

3. The young seminarian invites questions about _________________.
(a) Heaven and hell.
(b) The church.
(c) God.
(d) Sex.

4. How is Mel able to perform sexually with Lyla?
(a) He is able to because he loves her.
(b) By taking a stimulant.
(c) By praying for help from God.
(d) By fantasizing as they are making love.

5. What African-American man does Mel meet in Los Angeles?
(a) Herbert.
(b) John.
(c) Mark.
(d) Peter.

6. Noni fights the war between ____________.
(a) Arrogance and humility.
(b) Body and spirit.
(c) Heaven and hell.
(d) Christianity and paganism.

7. How does Mel describe Noni?
(a) As open-minded and accepting.
(b) As outgoing and zealous.
(c) As quiet and humble.
(d) As shy and insecure.

8. In what religion was Mel raised?
(a) Episcopalian.
(b) Roman Catholic.
(c) Evangelical nondenominational churches.
(d) Baptist.

9. What does Mel say his relationship to his father is like when Mel is younger?
(a) Very close.
(b) He felt afraid of his father.
(c) Close but Mel could not confide in the man.
(d) He felt alienated from his father.

10. What is one of Mel's first homosexual memories?
(a) Meeting his best friend in the woods unexpectedly.
(b) Dancing in an Indian dress.
(c) Swimming naked with a group of boys in third grade.
(d) Seeing a man in the woods with another man.

11. What does Mel say his murdered friend preferred to risk rather than share his feelings?
(a) His family's rejection.
(b) Anonymous sex.
(c) A failed marriage to a woman.
(d) The depression of celibacy.

12. What does Though I Walk Through the Valley concern?
(a) The life of a young Vietnamese boy.
(b) The life of a well-known politician.
(c) The idea of grace through works.
(d) The last year in the life of a dying man.

13. What happens to Jeffrey eventually?
(a) He kills himself.
(b) He becomes an outspoken advocate for gay rights.
(c) He ends up in the state mental hospital.
(d) He becomes a preacher and marries happily.

14. What is one book Mel writes soon after producing Though I Walk Through the Valley?
(a) Restoring the Passion.
(b) Soul Fired Up.
(c) Tested by Fire.
(d) Jesus Tested by Fire.

15. At the time of the Civil Rights issues in the United States, what does Falwell believe should be the Christian's focus?
(a) Memorizing the Bible.
(b) Getting their relationship to God right.
(c) Feeding the world.
(d) Winning souls.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what is Lyla totally uninterested?

2. When does Mel resign his position with Evangelical Covenant Church?

3. When do Mel and Lyla kiss for the first time?

4. What is the name of the first book and movie Mel makes?

5. What college does Mel attend for his doctorate?

(see the answer keys)

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