Strange Fits of Passion Test | Final Test - Medium

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Strange Fits of Passion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the neighbor who owns the blue Cape house next door to the cottage Mary rents?
(a) Rogers.
(b) LeBlanc.
(c) St. John.
(d) Smith.

2. What kind of sandwiches does Jack serve Mary when she is on his boat?
(a) Turkey.
(b) Bacon.
(c) Peanut butter & jelly.
(d) Salami.

3. What is the result of the first trial in Mary's murder case?
(a) Hung jury because the jury cannot agree on a verdict.
(b) Mary was found guilty.
(c) Mistrial because of an error in proceedings.
(d) Mary was acquitted.

4. How much money does Mary try to give Julia for the use of her phone the day after the bonfire?
(a) Ten dollars.
(b) One dollar.
(c) Four dollars.
(d) Three dollars.

5. How does Mary escape the honeypot she plunges into?
(a) By lying flat and rolling out of it.
(b) Waiting for the tide to come in and swimming out of it.
(c) Calling for help.
(d) Grabbing onto a rope tied to a boat and pulling herself out.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are Mary's keys the night that Harrold showed up in her bedroom cottage?

2. What is Jack wearing when he comes to Caroline's cottage the day she shoots Harrold?

3. When is Mary's second trial slated for with Judge Geary?

4. What does Mary like to do each morning at the cottage after she has made herself a cup of coffee?

5. What holiday does the town of St. Hilaire celebrate with a bonfire?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Jack characterize his marriage when he speaks of it to Mary?

2. What happens just before Mary kills Harrold?

3. How does Everett try to protect Mary from being found when the detective questions him?

4. What does Mary do when Jack has been out too long in his boat on a foggy day?

5. What happens when Mary falls into a honeypot when she is running to Jack's dinghy?

6. What does Mary tell Everett that Harrold did to her that night before she killed him?

7. What is Jack's response when Mary tells him she thinks she brought on Harrold's abuse because she was a "catalyst" for Harrold's anger?

8. What items does Mary find in a cabinet when she is on Jack's boat?

9. Why does Mary put herself at risk when she gives the doctor at the clinic Caroline's pediatrician's name and number?

10. Does Mary tell Jack the truth about Harrold and the abuse she suffered?

(see the answer keys)

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